
EBAY Help!!!!!?

by Guest45485  |  earlier

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I asked the seller (Chic.Gallery) if they accept money orders and this was their response.

Dear Buyer,

Thanks for your message.

We are so sorry that we don't accept money order.

As we stated clearly in our listing, we ONLY accept payment through PayPal.

Setting up a PayPal account is very simple and totally free!

Check it out at

We can also accept you to send USD bank notes to us through register mail.

Please put in "sealed" envelope.

After we receive the bank notes from you, we will send out the items.

Our Address:

Y2 international Trading company

Room 201, 2/F

Kwong Kin Trade Centre

No.5 Kin Fat Street

Tuen Mun

Hong Kong.


What does this mean USD bank notes?? I am so confused please help!!!!




  1. What we call a Cashier's Check.

  2. Bank notes is just a stupid name for bills. It's actually the right term to use. Bills or currency are legal pieces of paper, notes or documents that are signed by the US tresurer and all that which can be redeemed for what is worth. Anyways, use Paypal; one because it is a million times safer and faster       ( you need to have a bank account to open a Paypal account) and second because it is illegal to send cash through the mail.

  3. You're MUCH better off signing up for Paypal.  Don't send cash through the mail.

    Don't forget to look at what the seller accepts for payment before buying.

  4. USD = United States Dollars

    Bank Notes = CASH

    Don't send CASH.

  5. im sure it means US Dollars.

  6. USD bank notes means cash dollar bills - - and when dealing with anyone you do not know - i strongly advise AGAINST it for several reasons:

    1) how do you know they'll take your cash and send your items if you can't prove how much cash you put in your envelope?

    2) cash dollar bills are NON-traceable (they could just take your $$ and run, plus provide poor feedback and report you as a non-paying bidder

    SET UP A PAYPAL account - - this way no one knows where your $$ is, or where it's coming from (except Paypal), and it's totally free, trustworthy - and you can use Paypal for just about any online purchase.

    It only takes a few minutes, and will help you avoid any nasty headaches or repercussions :-).

    Paypal has several ways you can set up your account - and I just had to open a new account with them, but i just used my credit card / debit card for them to 'pull' the $$ i owed from - and it was painless!
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