
EBay Second Chance Offer?

by  |  earlier

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I sold an item on eBay for $142.50

The person is new and hasn't even sent me any emails or responded to mine.

I have sent her like 4 invoices in the past 6 days

i sent her an email saying to pay within 7 days of purchase or i will report that she hasn't payed in time

she hasn't responded to that either

1 day left and I'm thinking of putting a second chance offer for $140

I want to put a second chance offer but if i do and she pays like a month later she would like tell ebay

if i send her an email she would never awnser





  1. she probably died??? and ill buy w/e it is your selling...

  2. I would do the second chance offer. She did not pay. You sent her emails, and she did not respond. She did not hold up to her bargain/contract.

    I would report her, and offer the item second chance.

    In future, I always put in the terms and conditions of my items that the item must be paid for within 5 days or I will relist. That way they have notice.

  3. Wait until the seven days is up! Don't panic - once you have done a second chance offer, she has no choice in the matter. You have contacted her on many occasions and have proof to show to ebay if an inquiry was to be made. She had her chance and she blew it.

    Do what you gotta do :)

    Btw what did you sell? :D

  4. I'd guess that eBay has an official policy on this so you should check that first, but my personal opinion is that you should pursue the second chance offer after 7 days since it sounds like you have use reasonable efforts to contact the buyer.

  5. There is nothing complicated here. You attempted to work with the buyer and the buyer hasn't responded to your email inquiries. Save all of the emails you sent, noting that no responses were received, and put your stuff up again for sale. If anything comes up you have your emails to defend your second chance offer.

  6. report the dead beat bidder, so they don't s***w up others accounts.

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