
EBay... help please!?

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Ok, well I'm trying to get the LG Vu phone off of eBay


Every time I place a bid, I get outbid, and I even got up to $275.00 once and I was still outbid! is it really that popular of a phone?

Anyone got tips as how to win a bid (besides placing the highest one)

I doubt there is any, but little like tips on what to do




  1. Well, first of all its totally stupid to bid way ahead of the auction ending time.

    Or to put in a maximum bid

    You bid, they bid, you bid. You cost yourself money and raise the price real high.  This is the way ebay tells you to bid, because they get a cut of the final price.  

      Its not like a regular auction where one person just doesnt want to go higher.  Its over when the time is up.

    I just wait, and go in at about 45 seconds left and bid.  If you have dial up..allow a little more time.  I have DSL and Ive gone in at 30 seconds before and still had time left.  But no one has time to outbid you.   You dont always win, but on Ebay ..another one always comes along.  Patience is the key to a good deal.

    I'd bet money the reason the price is so high is because you have 2-3 people that have less than 5 feedbacks bidding like they WANNA BE IN THE LEAD!

    It does NOT matter if you are in the lead, it matters that you are in the lead when the time is up.

  2. For ebay you should enter a very high max bid like $100 over what it is at when u make the bid.

    Or you can look on
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