
EBay sellers?

by  |  earlier

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If an eBay seller doesn't like the highest bid at the end of the time limit, can they not take it?

For example if they had a MacBook for sale and the highest bid was $100, would they HAVE to sell it, or could they refuse?




  1. No, they don't "HAVE" to sell it...

    Just as the buyer doesn't "HAVE" to pay for it.

    eBay is based on good faith.

    The seller's auction states the terms...

    And the buyer's bid is his/her agreement/understanding of the auction terms.

    Sometimes the buyers don't pay...

    Sometimes the sellers don't sell...

    There is little eBay can do to force either party to uphold their end.  Buyers get strikes and sellers get negative feedbacks.

    But no, nobody has to do anything...

    But yes, it would be the 'right' thing to do...

  2. yes, unless you set a reserve price for your item when you list it. That way you can set a price that you would be willing to sell your item for and if the bidder does not meet that price, you can refuse to sell to them or if you are willing to sell for that price you can. If they bid your reserve price or higher though, then you have to sell.

  3. Your question is in the wrong category. Please repost.

  4. they have to sell it,unless it specifically said sellers price not met.complain to ebay
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