
ERRR Why are customers so biatchy? ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so the lady comes thru my line..

I ring up her stuff, and start packing while she is getting the stuff out of her purse..

Then she gives me a really dirty ugly look..

And says really loud "Is there anything on the savings card???"

I said "yes" and scan it but give her the exact look back.. LOL!

And then she takes the card out of my hand and gives me that hideous look again...

So she says to the packer in a nice way "I hope you have a really good weekend and holiday, don't work to hard ok"

I give her the receipt and says "thank you"

and she just snatches it from me..

I told the packer what happened, cause he wasn't there for the whole thing.. He was laughing so hard.. He said "I thought it was weird that she was acting so nice to me".. I said "it's not my fault she's ugly"..

But seriously.. Why was she mean to me in the first place? I was nice to her until I got the look... I'm not gonna kiss anyones butt..

Women are so petty.




  1. You should never react...ever. First, a good way to keep your job, second, it DRIVES THEM NUTS when you don't react. The problem with customers is often they think it's okay to take out their general anger over everything on a store employee--maybe because they are just mean to begin with or powerless in other situations. Take my mother-in-law for example, meek, submissive, she is in her 80's and that's just the way things were. (nope no change) Yet, get her into a store and she can get super nasty with people for no real reason. Just ignore them, and like I said, don't react. It truly pisses them off beyond belief.

  2. i understand, i have been flooded with crabby nasty people in the store lately.  i work in a sewing machine store, there are no sewing emergencies.....honestly.  we are all under stress (trust me when i tell ya, i live in michigan, the state of depression).  try not to take in in, i know it's hard.  just remember, if you were kind that is all you can do.  we cannot control other peoples thoughts or actions.  she is responsible for herself.


  3. I think your last 2 comments would answer your question.

    It's not a one-upmanship contest, hon - you're there to serve.

  4. i have no idea, maybe its her time of the month..

    cept of course if she's an old lady, she 4got to take her pills.

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