
EVERYONE I need ur help

by Guest61223  |  earlier

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Ok I know this is kinda wrong but I just found out last night that Im do I tell My bf??? my mom and dad and well....everyone else? i think im screwed cause my dad said it this were to happen i would get kicked out and ugh please help and please only serious advise! thanks




  1. Ask yourself these questions:

    How did you get pregnant?

    Why did I have s*x?

    Why am I so foolish?

    I hope your Dad does kick you out. Thats what you get for doing s*x a young age.

  2. jasie frick its not his problem they both had s*x they both have a problem.....

    just wait a little while before you tell them... write it down so you dont forget, find a friends house that you can stay at for a little while if he does flip and if he does kick you out than i would just say fine i have somewhere to stay for a while but you need to put me somewhere cause apparently you dont care if i just screwed up and need support and than leave that should leave a nice little effect. : )


  3. HOw old are you? Firstly  think about  how you feel about the pregnancy.. it will help you  think further.. cause as soon as you tell others you will get advice on what to do .. then it will help if you already know WHAT YOU WANT.... once  you are done with that .. just up and tell  every one you wish to know...

    Good luck...

  4. im 16 and pregnant too. i still havent got the guts to tell anyone so when you find an easy way let me know!

    good luck!!

  5. Aw Hun...(((hugs)))

    I'm sorry you find yourself in this position and I know you are scared. Before you tell anyone, make sure you've been to a doctor to confirm the pregnancy. Then, if you are, I would tell your boyfriend first. Just tell him as gently as possible that you are going to be parents and then decide what your plans are.

    As for your own folks, I would do the same. Also, let them know what your plans are for school, work, the baby (will you keep him/her or put them up for adoption), etc. This will help them see that you are trying to be responsible.

    Just remember, that despite the circumstances, babies are always a blessing. :) Good luck to you!

  6. just tell your boyfriend,

    its his problem too.

    if he wont stand by you.

    dump him.

  7. well, i know you really dont want to hear this because there is a possibility you will get kicked out but you need to tell everyone now before its too late. If they find out by themselves then you will have to answer many questions and it will be stressful.

  8. Its going to be worse on you if you try to hide it cause either way they will find out, only thing to do is just come out and tell them.

    Good luck to you and Congrats on the baby!

  9. Your bf needs to know that he will be a daddy.

    Your mom and dad need to know that you are pregnant, im sure they wont kick you out, you are there daughter and they love you. Im sure your dad was only joking when he said he would kick you out.

    Once your bf and parents know then you can tell everyone else afterwards.

    And you will also need alot of support as well!!

    Hope this helps and good luck!! =)

  10. hey,

    dont worry about it. i fell pregnant at 16 and although it was a shock to everyone they were all fine with it after the initial shock. you will feel a weight of your mind when you do tell them.  good luck xxxxx

  11. You need to be blunt, yet apologetic about this entire scenario.  You screwed up big time.  As for getting kicked out of the house, your dad was probably just threatening you in hopes that you wouldn't have s*x at all.  At the end of the day, your parents still love you and probably realize that there's no way you could raise a child on your own, even if your boyfriend does stick around.  He might not, just to warn you, and if he doesn't, you didn't want to be with him anyway.

    If you don't want to have an abortion, and I don't think I'd want to either, go through with the pregnancy and give the baby up for adoption.  There's no way you can take care of it the way it needs to be taken care of.

    As our dear Juno says, you're ill-equipped.

  12. If he really said hed kick you out find a place if you can then get them alone and say something to get the conversation going like babyts or somthing then when you get to the preg part of the conversation tell them. Then say you allready have a place to stay at if you did it before.

  13. Tell your boyfriend immediatly maybe he can help you brake it to your parents. Also show to your parents that your responsible and will make a good parents. Or you can get an abortaion.

  14. Have ur mom tell ur dad, and tell ur boyfriend face to face. Delaying won't help. Do it quick and fast.

  15. If you were warned about it, why the h**l did you do it, idiot?

    Just tell your boyfriend when your alone with him.. and tell him to use a condom next time.

    As for your parents, if i were you, i would get a job and an apartment and move out ASAP. Sound like your dad is a freaking jerk who wants his daughter to be a perfect little angel who does nothing wrong.

    Are you keeping the baby? If so, dont tell your dad.. he might make you have an abortion(its possible)

    If your having an abortion than you suck, and if i ever meet you i will slap you. Whatever you do, dont panic.

    Oh good.. No abortion..

    Congratulations on the kid btw.

  16. trust me, im way too young to be pregnant, but i cant revial my age.

    tell them fast, or dont tell em at all!

    ivite them to a dinner and maybe theyll notice, or maybe

    at the end of dinner say, im pregnant! theyll be shocked, but then say slower, im pregnant.

    now they no!

  17. You have to tell your boyfriend, He's the dad and he should take responsability too. As for your parents, well, they have to find out, there's no turning back now. And I hate to say this, but there's not really an easy way to do this.

  18. Hopefully he was not serious, but alot of parents say that to scare you from getting pregnant. It's sad that you are, but the best was to tell them is like ripping off a bandaid. Quick and painless. There may be some yelling, and crying. You're going to be a parent and it's your job to do what needs to be done. What you don't know about babies LEARN! It's not your parents job to be a parent.  As far as your boyfriend he may be excited, but thats a false bravado. If he's happy it's always a good idea to prepare to do it alone.

  19. Just tell them!

    They probably just told you they would kick you out to scare you from doing it. I don't think they will react quite the way you are thinking.

    You could tell your mother first and get some advice from her as how to handle telling your father and the babys father.

    How old are you?

    I know it seems scary but you will be okay. It's not easy but it can be done.


    Good Luck and God Bless you and your little one!

  20. Here is a number you can call to talk to professionals trained to advise and counsel pregnant teens. They are nice and have lots of experience. They can talk to you about how to tell your parents, boyfriend, and where to go from there. You can call them at any hour of any day and I think you can get a more personal answer than from Yahoo Answers. Go to (type it into google and click on it so that your parents won't see it on your computer) and it has more info about this number of OptionLine. 800-395-HELP (type the number corresponding with the letters). Hope this helps! Good Luck!!!!

  21. just tell them.

    you have to remember that it was your choice to do this so you cant blame everyone else.

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