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does anyone got tips on volleyball?




  1. always keep your eyes on the ball and follow the ball

  2. STAY LOW.. forehead to the tape.. when passing stay stiff


    there's nothing better than that.. and for your serve.. keep your hand flat. straight up. like if your giving a high five.. the ball goes further.. trust me! :]

    2.] DIVE!

    diving shows that you really care about the game, and if your trying out.. the coaches will see that. Plus you are helping the team. :]


    it's hella hard.. but it's a big part of volleyball.


    If you are a Back row player ALWAYS stay low and be ready for the ball. Make sure that you call it 2



    If you are a Front row player then stay far enough off the net so that when u hit it, the ball wont go into the net



    When serving make sure that your elbow is above your ear, and be sure that you have a good toss. Also whatever way your thumb is pointing that is what way the ball will go.

    I hope that this will help you a little bit


  5. Some people have already give great tips. I'm only gonna add one thing: When you bump or toss, try to get the ball as high as possible. This will give you and your teammate more time to react, and thus making it easier to give accurate pass and/or spike.

  6. yeah i have one... don't be afraid of the ball... LOL don't be too afraid to dig (dive) that's a big part.

  7. Stay low, listen to your coach because they no what they are talking about, MOVE YOUR FEET and CHAT IT UP ON THE COURT AT ALL TIMES


    That is what I do!!!

  9. never take your eye off the ball. always be ready for when the ball comes to you. be on the balls of your feet and ready to move. and be thinking of your next move

  10. i dont know where to start.

    first off, always

    i mean always

    listen to the coach and do everything the coach asks.

    no matter if a different coach asks you to do something else.

    do what the coach asks.


    be ready to move.

    stay low.

    dont be afraid to hit the floor.

    try to make each ball playable.

    be ready for a hit to come.

    cover your area.


    all fingers touch the ball.

    follow through.

    not as much spin on the ball.

    try to mkae it float.



    get both arms up.

    know your approach.

    snap your wrist.

    hit at your highest point.

    pull your arm through to your leg.

    hope this helped, :].

    and there is more to volleyball as in serving and blocking:]

  11. keep your feet moving and always know where the ball's at.

  12. 1. Don't be afraid to be loud!

            Miscommunication, or no communication is one of the main reasons why volleyball teams fail. Be the person that starts the chatter. It's like softball, if you're all talkin' then you're not stressing and you're all ready.

    2. Listen to Instruction

            Your coaches can give you lots of advice on YOUR personal game. Tips can only go so far. Also, ask fellow teammates for input. See if there's anything they have noticed about your game that could improve.

    3. Wear the correct footwear.

             The best shoes for volleyball are ones with shocks that cushion your jumps. You jump a lot in volleyball and you don't want aching knees after every game. Especially when you're playing double headers.

    4. Wear knee pads.

            Some peole will tell you that knee pads weaken your knees, don't believe it. Your knees are very fragile, when you bend them, they open past the knee cap, and falling on them like that can do irreparable damage. Trust me, I know. You can get cartiliage stuck in there, and doctors can't fix that.

    5. Practice your jumps.

             When you're taking off to spike, there is a simple approach that will give you the most air for your jump. If you're righthanded, then you're approach should be right, left, right, together and jump. While you're taking your steps, swing your arms back, and when you go to jump, throw them both forward, they will give you added momentum. And those steps should not be small, take large steps to increase your speed. Also, the point of the together at the end, rather than just taking off of one foot, is so that you jump up not forward. For your spike you should already be close to the net, and if you're jumping forward, you're going to jump straight into the net, or possibly over the line. Both of these result in a side-out and you're team loses the ball.

    6. Aim.

          In everything that you do, aim. Aim for the person you want to serve to. A simple turn of the foot can help to put the ball in the direction that you want it. Squaring your shoulders in the direction that you want the ball to go will help to get your bumps, sets, and spikes where you want them. Also aim where you want your blocks to go. If you let your hands relax backwards, they're going to go right behind you, but if you keep your hands straight up, they'll go back into your opponents court. But make sure you're facing your opponents court straight on, if you facing the lines, the ball is going to go out of bounds.

    7. Stretch.

        Before and after every game. You do not want to pull something on a serve, or tear something during a block.

    8. Finally, have fun.

        Sports we're made to relieve stress, and that should be fun. Don't get too down on yourself when you make mistakes. Realize what you've done wrong and work to fix it, but don't beat yourself up about it, you'll get nowhere.

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