
EWCM hanging around.?

by  |  earlier

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i went to the dr today for a pam smear and while i was there i was tell her that my hubby and i were tcc.. while she was doing the pap smear she comented on how much EWCM i had.... now i've been following an ovulation chart on and according to that i ovulated 6 days ago... would i still have EWCM now if i did or do you think im ovulating later, and if i am ovulating late am i now expecting my period later?? cos if ovulation accours 14 days before AF is expected would i now push it back to 14 days from now? im soooo confused... thanks.




  1. If you had s*x very near to your doc appt. then she was probably commenting on the left over s***n thinking it was CM. s***n can mimmick the CM around ovulation time. Don't be surprised if your pap smear comes back abnormal, since it was meant to test cervical tissue and not s***n. The docs office should have reminded you not to have s*x for about 2 days prior to your appt. On the other hand, if you're checking CM for fertility, you could be mistaking s***n for CM and thinking you're ovulating and you're not (not yet, at least). In addition to CM you'll want to note the position of your cervix. If it's high, soft, and open then you're prime. Check out the book 'Taking Charge of Your Fertility'.

  2. what is ewcm?
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