
Easy, quick vegetarian dinners...?

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Hey, I need some great vegitatrian meals with very few ingredients (I hate cooking with too many things) that would take less than about 20 minutes to cook. I have a lot of alergies but the worst are wheat and peppers.. Got ay ideas? Thanks!!




  1. Go to  Lots of qucik vegetarian recipes.

  2. try spinch ad cheese lightly grill........eggplants can be sliced and sauteedin lo fat butter with tortillas.........try a tomato cucumber thai style soups endless variety

  3. fried eggplant with tomatoes & basil   layer onto a sandwich

  4. Beans and rice with a nice side salad or some steamed green beans dressed with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.  I like a little pico de gallo on top too.  Yum!  Simplicity.

  5. I find some of the quickest vegetarian meals are ethnic in origin.  Do you like Indian spices? Most curries can be made simply if you keep some curry powder and/or curry paste in the house.  Try this for a start: Fry up some onion in olive oil and add a tablespoon of curry paste.  Cook until onion is tender, then add a can of garbanzo beans (sometimes called chickpeas) and a can of diced plum tomatoes.  Add more paste to taste.  Serve with rice.  You can throw any veggies and beans into most curries.  Also Mexican food lends itself to vegetarian preparation - black beans and rice, cheese enchiladas, that kind of thing.

  6. quinoa dishes

    Stir fry

    beans and rice

    veggie casseroles

  7. I recommend picking some combination of a protein food (beans, refried beans, marinated beans, tofu, tempeh or fake meat), whole grains (like brown rice, corn tortillas or whole wheat pasta), vegetables and a sauce, dressing or other condiment. With frozen vegetables, canned beans and sauces or dressings from a bottle this is very fast and easy. Trader Joe's has some good vegan sauces and dressings (read the labels) and lots of frozen veggies.

  8. A fruit salad. It takes a little bit of extra time but very delicious.

    pineapple, cantaloupe, grapes, strawberry, chopped up and mixed together.

    I make it all the time and it's wonderful.

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