
Easy Spanish to English translation?

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10 points to whoever can translate this for me. Please and thank you!

Pero es un secreto. En cuanto hayamos terminado con las demás provisiones, la comeremos juntos. Entonces les enseña la puerta de su alacena, que está cerrada y la llave colgada en la pared.




  1. Here's my contribuition:

    "But it's a secret. Whilst we had finished with other supplies (provisions), will eat together. So show them the storage's door, which is closed and the key is hung on the wall."

    I guess you must use 'cuando' (when) in your original spanish phrase instead of 'en cuanto', so far as I know.

    'Saben' in spa. means 'they know' in eng.

    Good luck (Buena suerte).

  2. "But it is a secret.  As soon as we have finished with the rest of the food, we will eat together.  Then ( you [formal]) show them the door to the pantry/cupboard, which is closed, and the key hanging on the wall."

    **"saben" is a conjugation of "saber"--"to know"

    it would mean "they know" OR "you (plural) know"

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