
Easy yes or no answer?

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people say i suit my name like i look like a dale anderson.

heres a picture of me, sorry i have changed the kinda colour of the picture but it still looks like me.

do i?





  1. dam emos

  2. haha not really, you look like your called tom, or alex

    you have nice hair tho =] i want to stroke it

  3. not really

  4. omfg you are hot man. :)

    i love your hair especially.

    but you do look like a dale anderson btw.

    but remember you are hot, you can probably get any girl you wanted.

  5. I don't think so!

  6. yeah i guess so

  7. i'm in love with your hair D:

    what products do you use to get it all windswept?

    and back to your answer, yeah you kinda look like a dale (:

    thanks ;D

    i wanted to know, cause i want the same kind of effect but slightly different as I have longer hair. x

  8. Yep you look like a Dale.

  9. I don't think you look like a dale. you look like a Harper.

  10. no.

  11. your hot.

  12. yes

  13. You look like a Tom Lawrance

  14. Not really I don't think soz

  15. hey you look familiar... maybe i know you... hmmm.....

    anyway, no i dont think you look like a dale anderson. more like a spencer... dont know why...

  16. whats a dale anderson meant 2 look like?

  17. no not really

  18. I'm not so sure you do. You look like a Troy to me.

  19. You look like a Ryan or maybe a Tom.

    But you're totally f*cking hotttt!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. yep i think you look like a dale. :)

  21. Yeah you do look like a Dale. I can't really think of any other names to suit you, maybe Tom, but I think Dale is best.

  22. no


    no way!!

    nananana no!

  23. Yes.

  24. yea you do look like a dale anderson
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