
Eating healthy causing strange changes?

by  |  earlier

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Maybe I'm just adjusting too a new way of eating but my body and moods seem to have gone haywire.

I have extreem highs and lows in moods and energy all day long as well as very strange sleeping habits. Naps at mid morning and early evening...I mean I don't have a chioce ..I'm down!!! even if I'm sitting up! The highs are great but don't last.

I can tell though.. my home is in MUCH better order now, I'm much more put together in my appaerance,and the bills got paid on time this month. So I guess I am making some headway? This is enough encouragement to continue to try. I even cook for myself instead of take away or micromeals and I like to shop again. Since my divorce 10 years ago I am just now figuring out how to function alone.

I eat mostly veg and fruit..then chic and a lot of fish..I live in Fla. so this is easy to do.

Rice,ceareal,and whole grain pasta. I still use butter and salt but O-oil too.Lots of garlic.

Terrible craving for dark Choc. hits from time to time. Gotta get it Or else!!!

Taking Multi vit, omega 3 extra C{cause I smoke} and Sam E

No exersise as of yet besides just normal moving around. I'm fit but NOT athletic. Still...would adding this balance me out???

Is it just time to adjust,lack of exersise,or too many vitamins ???Help!!!

If I could just stay in those high points for most of the day it would be great!!!




  1. hi,

    i noticed ur ? bc i am experiencing the same kinds of wierd changes in my body but i am working out everyday, instead of total changes in diet.

    i think maybe it is just our bodies adjusting. i am taking vitamins though too so that might have something to do w/ it as well.

  2. It's true that beginning to eat healthy and cutting back on junk freaks your body out a little. Detoxing is normal. I will also say that, for me, if I don't exercise, I get more and more exhausted and drained. Not doing it also messes with your sleep patterns. You're exhausted and you can take naps but at night you don't get a FULL night's sleep like you should. So yes, definitely start exercising. You can take too many vitamins but it doesn't sound like you are in the least. And I'm sure you've been told that smoking isn't the greatest :)

    So there ya go.    

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