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ok so i eat when im hungry and i dont eat when im not hungry. i hate it when people watch me when i eat to. and now i am being called belimec and anarexic wich i am not. i am a almost 14 year old gurl who is only 85lbs * mainly because of genetics* and at school the lunches are bad and im never hungry at school so i wount eat at lunch. then when i do go to eat everyone stares at me wich makes me uncofterable and makes me not want to eat. now because of all this people are calling me those two names. could you please help me, i dont know what i should do.




  1. You first have to realize that your eating pattern is not good for you.  Many nutritionist are not suggesting that five small meals during the day are best.  I think that it is all in your perception that people stare at you when you eat. What you are doing is not good for you and can be easily remedied by snacking during the day.

  2. I run into the same thing.  I eat only when I'm hungry and skip eating when I'm not.

    People tell me I should eat more, and go by the clock, and "breakfast is the most important meal!"

    I say "bull".

    I'm quite healthy -- six foot even and 165 pounds.  I don't let anyone tell me how to eat.

    You shouldn't either.

  3. Bring your lunch from home. Even if it's a toss salad or some fruit. You shouldn't be missing meals. That's the worse thing for you. Put a granola bar or something like that in your purse. Do it at night, so it's ready to go in the morning.

    And when people stare at you when you eat, open your mouth full of food. That will show them!

    Fourteen is a rough year. Believe me, don't listen to the kids that make fun of you. In another couple of years, you won't even remember them. Because they are jealous, Heck, I'm even jealous!!!

  4. bring lunch from home or a protein bar or something?

  5. im 18 senior in high school and im the same way im 5ft10in 120 pounds and it's genetics, hgi fast metabolism, and im also a vegetarian of 8 years. i also hate school food so therefore don't eat lunch on school days cause i don't have time to make it in the morning. i also get called those names. jsut don't worry what those people say or think about you because their opinion shouldn't matter since they have no lives but to bring you down. just ignore their ignorant remarks and if they keep doing it they are jsut jealous cause your skinnier than they are.

  6. i think you need to eat small meals 4 times a day, take no notice of other people as long as you are eating otherwise you will be ill.
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