
Ebay?? Sellers details?

by  |  earlier

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Last week I bought an item from someone on Ebay which was listed as pick up only. As its a large item I'm supposed to go and pick it up from the seller. They live ten minutes away from me. I paid for the item over a week ago and as soon as the auction ended I emailed the seller asking them to let me know when would be suitable to come and pick the item up and which house number they are (as I only know the street name). 3 days later I received a reply saying I can go pick the item up anytime this week but I still don't know the full address. I've emailed the seller every day for the last 4 days trying to get a reply but no luck. I'm worried that they don't check their email too often and as they don't have any other items for sale on ebay won't check their messages on ebay either. I don't know what to do as the item I've bought was supposed to be for my sons birthday which is on Saturday. As this is now Thursday its getting close and I've still not heard anything back from the seller. Is there any way at all I could find out from Ebay ANY other contact details for this person or do I just have to keep emailing and hope that they eventually reply?




  1. Did you pay by Paypal? If so, you might find the seller's address on your Paypal transaction details.

  2. i would suggest going to the street and look for someone knocking about who you think maybe helpful. explain your predicament and ask if they could have a word with the neighbours(who could please pass it on) the jungle telegraph is surprisingly efficient.

    hope you succeed, and a happy birthday is had by your son!  

  3. You need to get back on ebay and contact them and let them know you have paid for this item and that you have not received any information from the seller about getting the item. Which is true because you don't have all your information you need. If you paid thru paypal contact paypal thru paypal and they will contact the seller. I have had to deal w/this about every three to four months because a seller won't send the item. You have to go back into your account and contact ebay and have them contact this seller. Do it immediately.  Tell him you will leave a neg. feedback if you do not get a response soon, because you are under the impression that you are not receiving your item. You will be amazed how fast they respond. Don't just give up you have to act promptly. You did pay for this item right you won't pay when you pick it up right?  

  4. You can fill in a form on ebay that gives you the sellers phone number. In return, your phone number is mailed to them. I have used the form before.

  5. I'd give a few more days and do a final email to them saying you are going to report this.. if they dont reply to them then open a paypal dispute assuming that what u used to pay with.. atleast you'll get your money back that way or get the sellers attention..

  6. You can request their contact details here

    (you can also find that link from any eBay page using the 'advanced search' link, then 'find contact information')

    Their details will be emailed to you more or less straightway so you should then be able to give them a ring.

  7. you sound like your in a desperate situation - so do what i did - someone crashed into my car and after a load of insurance BS i ended up with the guys street but not the what did i do? i went door knocking!!! i bet thats not the answer you wanted to hear...but since ebay only has a customer help line that work through email only, you wont be getting a helpful reply in either you pray that they reply befor saturday or you go to the street...start at the 1st house and make your way down...."hi are you ebay user "blah blah blah" im here to pick up the blah blah....  good luck!!

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