
Ecodriving, what do you think?

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Ecodriving, what do you think?




  1. One of must positive solution!

  2. If the problem of global fuel resources was as bad as the government makes out, they would be subsidising the development and supply of electrically powered vehicles.

    A fully electrically powered vehicle charged from a nuclear based generation system is about as green as you can get.

    However, as previously stated there are many years worth of crude oil stock still available for extraction, and all the while it remains the governments will use it as an easy means to raise funds through excessive taxation.

  3. Great idea, we need to save as much fuel as we can and not just because of the cost - resources are dwindling. So:

    Avoid rapid acceleration or hard braking.

    Select the correct gear for the speed you are doing.

    Slow down using the gears not just by stamping on the brake.

    Only drive if you need to and use car sharing whenever possible.

    With some positive action, we can all keep driving for another few years, given the current level of world resources, we could be facing rationing within 5 years.

  4. a gd idea

  5. The world has passed peak oil.  Yes there are reserves that the oil companies can exploit, but they are difficult to develop and the cost of extracting remaining reserves will cause prices to rise further.  Added to this, demand from emerging companies will put even greater pressure on oil prices.  In other words, the price of fuel will never go down, only increase.

    Making fuel from renewable sources is only the part of the answer or even a stop-gap measure.  The quantity of fuel demanded by the economy means that there isn't enough land available for growing bio-fuel AND food production at the same time.  Pressure to create more productive land is the cause of the destruction of rainforests for palm oil production.  (At this point, I would add that it is a fallacy that the major cause for the increase in palm oil production is for bio-fuel.  Palm oil is solid at European and North American winter temperatures and is unsuitable for use as a bio-fuel.  Actually, the major use of palm oil is in soap products (Dove, Palmolive) and as a food preservative.. KFC!).

    In order to make limited fuel resources go further, cars need to be much, much more fuel efficient.  Currently, Loremo are developing a 150mpg+ diesel powered car, that should be in production next year and will be suitable for running on bio fuel.  The only sustainable answer, however, is to develop alternative fuels, but these are some time in the future.  In the meantime, we must drive as economically as possible using the most efficient forms of transport available now.

  6. There is enough oil in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico to last several hundred years. The problem is that the United States is sitting on it and continuing to rely on foreign oil. I say start using what we have at home and in the meantime start making a switch to ethanol and biodiesel.

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