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1. when you purchase a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk, whose labor are you paying? (i think, the labor of the one who made the products... )

2. if the labor of the free person is more productive than servile labor, why did slavery and serfdom endure many centuries? why do totalitarian states still engage in stern direction of labor?

3. not everybody relishes work. can you offer some reasons why some people do as little as possible.

* the labor of free men and women is usually more productive than labor of slaves, serfs, and other people who are not free.. explain further...




  1. 1) You are indirectly paying the labor of everyone involved in the process.  From the actual producer to the cashier, even those involved in transporting the raw materials and finished product.

    2) Why did servile labor endure and still does?  Why did the horse & buggy endure and still does?  Access to technology was not available or wide spread.

    3) They do not see the personal benefit in working harder.  They lack pride.  They are lazy.  

    *) The labor of free people is more productve, because they are usually rewarded for increased productivity.  Even if the only reward is that they get to keep their job.

  2. 1) You are indirectly paying the labor of everyone involved in the process. From the actual producer to the cashier, even those involved in transporting the raw materials and finished product.

    2) Down the sames conditions slavery workforce is more productive than work of free person. The absence of high productive technologies does not force to change slavery force.

    3) Hard work is a way to get money for to have goods and services. not-hard-work is good in itself. Then many people prefer good named not-hard-work than the goods and service given by money reached by hard-work. Usually, when the money paid for hard work is low the workers prefer the not-hard-work good.

    Labor of free man is a consequence of an increase in technology. The new technology let produce more goods with less hours of work; this benefit can be all caught by employers, but workers formed unions to catch this benefits too.
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