
Education required for a family practitioner?

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Im 18 and fresh out of high school. Although i wasn't the top student in my class i did make pretty good grades. I've always wanted to be a family practitioner but now that i've graduated i have no idea where to start... what to major in or anything? please help... thanks




  1. Like a MD?

    You will need to get your bachelors, probably in some kind of premed subject like biology, anatomy, etc.  You will need VERY VERY good grades and then you will need to apply to medical school.

    If you cant get into a good college right now then go to a community college and do your general ed first 2 years there and get really good grades and then transfer to a good college.  Community college credits for general ed is just as good as those at a really top 4 year college.

  2. Have you done anything to prep for medicine school?

    Have you sent any requests to colleges, and did you make their requirements?

    You should've asked this question say, junior year, especially for a major like this there's a lot of prepping and such so you don't feel lost like this. Trust me, its my junior year and i'm doing all i can to do right now to get into the college i want my senior year (major: medicine to become a pediatrician).

    If you can tell me where you're at (if you've sent out letters to colleges or not) i could help :)

  3. the major in college would be biology-premed then you have to go to med school.

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