
Eeep Vicious Critter!?

by  |  earlier

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I was in the bathroom and I heard a rattle and then I heard it again. Then again. I look down at the vent and a huge RAT was in it! I screamed and ran! What would you have done???




  1. screamed and ran and screamed for help.would of gotten on something and kept an eye on it so it wouldn't escape somewhere else and give you another heart attack.

  2. Exactly that, SISTER Also maybe if it was better i may have given it some carrots. Id make a trail to get it out the house and everybody wins. And when you give love, there not as bad as they seem.

  3. Watched the rat, scared it off, then set a trap in the vent.

  4. if it was the heating vent I wuld have turned up the heat to full blast

  5. Caught it and humainly disposed of it. Or got someone else too do it...
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