
Effects of complete bird destruction.?

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Can someone show me an article or story that discusses what the potential environemental effects the destruction of an entire species can have.




  1. Loss of an entire species can be catastrophic or barely noticeable.

    If earth loses a species with a large population, it is bound to have wide reaching ramifications.

    If the species is almost extinct, with almost no surviving members, its loss can not have a significant effect simply because of its small numbers. Butterfly theory notwithstanding.

  2. Here's a good one...


    do-do bird!

  3. All wild populations of living things have many complex intertwining links with other living things around them. Large herbivorous animals such as the hippopotamus have populations of insectivorous birds that feed off the many parasitic insects that grow on the hippo. Should the hippo die out so to will these groups of birds, leading to further destruction as other species dependent on the birds are affected. Also referred to as a Domino effect, this series of chain reactions is by far the most destructive process that can occur in any ecological community.

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