
Egg Substitute questions?

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Are these considered vegetarian? I am not sure, if not --- is there a good substitute?




  1. There is no need to use egg replacer.

    Cake, cookies, pasta, pancakes, bread,... whatever... has all traditionally been made without eggs...

    If you are trying to make an omelet, or eggs over easy, or scrambled eggs, or quiche, etc. then, yeah, you are going to have some troubles, but otherwise, forget the egg and forget the egg replacer.

  2. They are considered meat to vegetarians, but not to vegans.

    A company called Ener-G makes a powdered egg-substitute that they claim is a suitable replacement for eggs in cooking. It costs about $5.00 (U.S.) for the equivalent of 9 or 10 dozen eggs, and it contains no animal products. It is make from potato starch, tapioca flour, leavening agents (calcium lactate (vegan), calcium carbonate, and citric acid) and a gum that comes from cottonseed. It's primarily intended to replace the leavening/binding characteristics of eggs in baking, but it can be used for non baked foods and quiches.

    Alternative replacements (quantity per egg substituted for) 2 oz of soft tofu can be blended with some water and substituted for an egg to add consistency. Or try the same quantity of: mashed beans, mashed potatoes, or nut butters.

  3. Ener-G is the egg replacer I use. It comes in a box- not in the dairy section with the 'egg replacer's typically. Those do have egg in them, on average.

    According to my "Vegan Starter Kit"  you can use these to substitute eggs depending on the recipe:

    1 egg =

    1 tbsp. cornstarch + 2 tbsp. water


    1 ounce of mashed tofu


    1 tbsp. of ground flax seeds + 3 tbsp. water


    1/2 banana


    Ener-G Egg replacer (the box isn't in front of me but it shows how many tbsp = 1 egg)

    A lot of free online recipes tell you what to use when searching for vegan recipes (like vegan pancakes!).

    Hope this helps!

  4. depends which ones. there are some that are just egg whites and other that are made og veggies usually can be found in the better supermarkets

  5. EnerG Egg Replacer is vegetarian. I'm not sure about other egg replacers; some use real eggs so check the ingredients.

    Here are lots of ways to bake without eggs:

  6. Ener-G Foods Egg Replacer is the best I have found. Totally vegan and works really good.

    vegan 15 yrs

  7. Last time I looked at a box of substitute it was vegetarian since it was egg white and a thickener. Just remember to read the boxes if you choose to go that way instead of real eggs since they put animal products in the most surprising things these days.

  8. Depends which.

    Just check the labels, or ingredients if not sure.

    They have to be egg-less to be veg.

    Good Luck! :)

  9. Yes, you can get a vegan/vegetarian egg mix, but you'r best just to avoid them I'm say. I had my Mother make me "scrambled eggs" by adding this mix to soy milk. It was acctually THE worst thing I have ever tasted.

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