
Egypt ... help ..?

by Guest59159  |  earlier

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Why in God's name would my little (12 years old) sister log in to public chat rooms?!!!




  1. I was 10 when i first made my email!, nuff said!

  2. To meet her friends

    To explore new world

    To meet new people

    To fullfil something that she doesn't have or not permitted to in real life

    To waste time better than doing nothing

    If you wanna pull her away from it , try to offer here a better alternative

    And if couldn't , keep an eye on her activities maybe by being a part of it ... by sharing her, knowing her friends , .....

    Welcome to the new technology

  3. she's just imitating her friends and the whole society sweetie !!

    it's not her've to direct her to the right path, and be kind to her, and tell her the reasons (for she has to know why and be convinced) why she shouldn't at this young age to log on such public chat rooms :-)

    God Bless You Both and save & protect you from any dangers...Ameen :)

  4. chatting is not good i don't like the idea of chatting with strangers

  5. i used to log on public chat rooms when i was at her same age, thats why i am like that!

  6. yeah my lil brother is the same age and he does the same

    i rememember when i was 12 i hardly played "atary" lol

    u cant keep her from chatting cause i bet all her friends do that too, but try to keep an eye on her as there are many freaks out there.

  7. New world for teens !!

  8. Just curious....If u wanna make her log onto something useful....just make a YA account to her....I think it's more safer...u'll have an eye on her...and we'll take care of her...

  9. Letting your sister chat with people is very mentally stimulating.  It’s good for a teenager to learn how to act and speak in society and this is an easy way to do it.  Of course there are dangers but you can control that very easily… just make sure you know exactly where she is and where she goes.  If you get really suspicious you can always keep logs of here chatting sessions.  It would be harmful to her socially if you didn’t allow her to chat with her friends.  If you do a good job monitoring what she does then there shouldn’t ever be a problem.  These people against chatting are currently chatting with strangers on here so the word “hypocrite” comes to mind. lol  Chatting isn’t as dangerous as the news makes it out to be.  It’s actually a good learning environment for young people and a great outlet for expressing themselves.  Don’t be fooled by what you see on TV.
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