
Electric car??

by  |  earlier

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What happens if you run an electric car off the road into a ditch with water in it. Will you get fried? Or just all your hair burnt off???? lol :-) I know a regular 12 volt car battery hurts. How much voltage do you think the battery running that electric car is putting out????




  1. Well I think some hybrid car batteries do run 110+ volts, and some fire departments do take extra precautions when retrieving a hybrid car from water.  But unless you're in very close proximity to the battery it won't hurt you.

  2. Do you actually believe this scenario would not have been tested before the electric vehicle was approved for the road?

    You can bet it would be safe.

  3. Try putting moonshine in your car today.....

    See you at the repair shop. (you will wreck your fuel system, at best)

  4. 1) if the battery container is breached, rescue workers need to be in hazmat suits. so battery location and framework around the battery is critical; you can't 'cheap out' on these things.

    2) because there is more wiring and the voltages are alot higher than they are in normal vehicles, emergency workers ARE going to have to have some smarts about how they deal with these things. ie, it would make sense to have insulated shoes and some gloves at the very least. people who helped to design and test these things have been injured and those were people who knew what was going on.

    3) everything is safe if you use intelligence about handling it. idiots who leave their vehicles running or have the radios on while they fill their gas tanks are a prime example. you CAN cause a vehicle fire if you do this. it doesn't matter that the automotive industry has made this a talked about point publicly, how many times do you see some idiot who leaves the engine on and/or the radio going at the gas pumps?

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