Trying to figure out a fault with my car's electrics, but having some problems tracing the fault from the schematics given in the Haynes (/repair) manual as the lines where the fault may lie go across several pages, and so it's really difficult to follow. Was thinking/hoping that someone would have had this problem before, and that there MUST be an easier way to figure out where the problem lies (I don't think calling mechanic is a good answer, I WANT to fix it myself!)
Am planning to to "digitise" the schematic, which should make things a LOT simplier. Any ideas of good software to do this in?
Was also thinking that If I tell the software, that component x isn't working, that it should be able to highlight the wires/components on which the fault MAY lie. Perhaps also have some facility which re-arranges the schematic to redraw the schematic, so that components that are may be contributing to the fault, are re-drawn next to the one(s) known to have a problem.