
Elephant Man's last dream?

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my dad showed me a video of something about his last dream?

i dont know i was like 5

it scarred me but anyway

Can someone tell me more about this Dream




  1. Hm.... Well, I don't know what it is that your dad showed you, is it possible that what you saw was a movie called "The Elephant Man" about John Merrick?  His is a very sad story, as near as I can tell based on what little I know about him, I imagine his fondest dream was likely that he wanted people to look at him, and treat him as a human being, and that he wanted a chance to simply be himself, but others treated him like a freak and a monster without respect for who he actually was inside.  He was quite ill with a terribly deforming disease.  They are still trying to figure out with any certainty what disease he had.  During his lifetime, it was called "elephantiasis", but that diagnosis has since been revised a couple of times as study on his remains continues.  The Elephant Man is certainly not an appropriate movie to show to a 5 year old, and I'm sure that it did scare you at the time.  Perhaps it would help you to understand better, if you do some research on John Merrick, if you do a search on the web, you will easily find some pages about him.  

    I just did a search my self, and turned up some interesting things, on one page There is a story where someone wondered what Merrick would look like if it weren't for his deformity, and doctored a photo of him to look as though he where normal....the same page offers an excerpt of a poem that according to the writer of the page, was often quoted by John Merrick, there is no reference offered as to who wrote the poem, and I don't recognize it, but perhaps the key to his dream is in there, if he quoted it that often...

    Tis true my form is something odd,

    But blaming me is blaming God;

    Could I create myself anew

    I would not fail in pleasing you.

    If I could reach from pole to pole

    Or grasp the ocean with a span,

    I would be measured by the soul;

    The mind's the standard of the man.

        A Poem often quoted by John

    If he quoted it often, it would certainly seem to point to that he wished to be known for his insides, not his outsides...Good luck....

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