
Elizabeth cady stanton?

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was elizabeth cady stanton apart of the union or confederate side in the civil war???? and what was her role in the civil war?




  1. A daughter of New York State, Stanton was fervently Union and turned her efforts towards educating people about the evils of Slavery and the mistreatment of N^groes - - -  her role was minor and soon eclipsed by her activities on behalf of the women's movement, see below...

    Note - - - a sad note, in the wake of the not so Civil War, the women's movement turned against N^gro suffrage in this mistaken belief that they would lose the support of White people for their primary cause, freedom for women, so instead of becoming allies they became bitter bitter enemies.....

    """"During the Civil War Elizabeth Cady Stanton concentrated her efforts on abolishing slavery, but afterwards she became even more outspoken in promoting women suffrage. In 1868, she worked with Susan B. Anthony on the Revolution, a militant weekly paper. The two then formed the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) in 1869. Stanton was the NWSA’s first president—a position she held until 1890. At that time the organization merged with another suffrage group to form the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Stanton served as the president of the new organization for two years.""

    """The Civil War (1861–65) was fought between the northern states and southern states to decide whether or not slavery would be allowed in new territories, and whether or not the South would leave the Union to form an independent nation. During the war Stanton and her ally Susan B. Anthony (1820–1906) created the National Woman's Loyal League to build support for what became the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which ended slavery in the United States. Once the slaves were free, Stanton and Anthony worked to ensure that women would be given the vote along with former male slaves. However, it was thought that if the struggle to gain the right to vote for black men was associated with votes for women, neither black men nor women of any color would get the vote.

    This opposition only made Stanton and her colleagues more stubborn. Their campaign finally divided the women's suffrage movement into two camps."""


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