
Embaressed son?

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My girlfriends and I were talking about how we would handle it if we walked in on our sons..well Masturbating (real mature i know). So my question to all mothers or soon to be mothers is how would you handle walking in on your teen son masturbating? Or how did you handle it?




  1. My policy is when anyones bedroom door is closed, always knock and wait for an answer.  This avoids you walking in on them dressing, masturbating, talking privately on the phone, etc.  Also, this shows them respect goes both ways because they need to knock on mom and dad's door too.  The other thing, this prevents the child from feeling he has to lock the door which is important if there were ever a fire or something where you needed to reach them.  

    Talking about this with your girlfriend is actually very mature.  Thinking ahead about uncomfortable issues is very responsible.

  2. Be appropriately embarrassed, leave and never talk about it again.

  3. My teenaged son had a simple inexpensive latch he bought at the hardware store that he attached to the door frame.  Besides which, no one in our family ever walked into a closed room without knocking--and waiting for an answer.

  4. I would turn around and walk out, and close the door....when my son would come out...I would excuse myself and learn how to knock on his door before I enter the next time.......and if he had any questions to fell free to ask me.....

  5. i would shut the door, apologize later, and if my husband hadn't had "the talk" yet, i would suggest it.

    it is natural and you never should punish your children for doing it unless it got out of hand in some sort of way.

  6. make sure he knows its ok to do it but in the proper place like his room or the bathroom with the door locked.

  7. Once my kids got past the little kid stage, I started teaching them that when a door is closed that means that someone might be wanting privacy.  What goes for me goes for them too.  I always knock and if I hear no answer I open the door a little and ask if I can come in.

  8. My son will have a key to his room or a sign at his door and I will tell him to close the door if he is doing anything like that (including having a girlfriend over), he deserves his privacy.

    My parents did this with me when I was about 15 and so nobody ever walked in. I loved it and never misused their trust. I hope I can do this as well with my son (he is 5 month old at the moment so a little early to worry about that right now :-))

  9. This is one case where I am very glad that I have a daughter!!

    I was curious, though, to see what answers you would get. I could not even begin to say what I would do in that situation, but I do think that it is not OK for a child to have a lock on his or her door. I think that there should be a talk among everyone in the family that now that your son is getting older, there needs to be a firm understanding that if a door is closed - knock and wait for an answer.

    I value my daughter's privacy - but I am also her parent, and I am not going to let her lock her door and do whatever she wants to. Also, what if he locks his door, and there is an emergency - he gets hurt, fire - anything - and you can't get the door open.

    Good luck!
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