
Embarrassing question?

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I had a baby 14 months ago and since then I haven't felt quite right down south towards the back. So tonight after I had a shower I had a look with a mirror and it seems I have a hemrode. Do I need to go to a doctor or is there cream or something that I can get from a chemist to make it go away. How do you make them go away?? Also I currently pregnant so what ever you suggest has to be pregnancy safe.




  1. i suggest you go see a doctor, specifically an obgyne since he/ he will know what's the best thing to do:)

  2. A lot of times women get hemorrhoids after delivery due to all the pushing or due to pregnancy (due to the weight pushing down on the veins) There is creams out there like preparation H I think it's called, but I'm not sure if you can use that during pregnancy or not. Just check with the pharmacist when you purchase it. I guess since you could see it, it's came out so I don't know if they require special attention or not, this is something again you can ask the pharmacist.  

  3. Hi ;) before going to the doctor you can go to the pharmacy, and your pharmacist will propose you different creams. I also suggest you take baths. I do get it sometimes and it usualy goes away by itself. If it doesn't there are operations to cure it but it's not usually nescessary.

  4. If it's the first time you've had this, i would suggest you go to a doctor (maybe your regular gyn, cuz it could be related to either pregnancy or childbirth).  There are simple creams or pads (OTC) that you can use, but I understand you can also use witch hazel on a cotton pad for some relief.  Not sure how far that goes with actually curing it, but that's what the hospital gave me after birthing my first.  You may also need stool softener pills.

    Good luck... I'm no health pro, but I know how they can be.

  5. Hemorrhoids are common during and after pregnancy.  It is safe to use external hemorrhoid cream as needed.  To reduce the straining when you "go" try using fiber pills.  My doctor suggested them to me when I was pregnant and they helped my digestion - pregnancy slows digestion and constipation is a very common problem, which is often what leads to the hemorrhoids to start with.  I use fiber pills from Sam's Club and only take 1/3 of the daily dose (2 out of 6 pills).  Start out small and see what it takes to help make you more regular.  Up the dose if needed.  Make sure to read all the directions and if you are uncomfortable with the idea of starting a supplement without your doctor's permission, give them a call.

  6. I had that happen to me.  I got pregnant three months post partum (while nursing) and I think in my third or fourth month I had a hemorrhoid.  I don't think that creams help, but they do go away on their own.  I had a change of diet, and switched to foods with lots of fiber, like fruits, veggies, whole grains.  Yogurt also helps a lot.  I also picked up jogging.  Haven't had one since.  I hope this helps.

  7. Thats so common don't be embarrased about asking! In fact read "Baby Laughs" BY  Jenny McCarthy!  Her section on hemmoroids made me crack up, but its so true too!  Tucks pads are great, they are little medicated wipes with witch hazel on them, they are cool and soothing and just feel good on them. I developed several when I was pregnant, and now my son is 8 mos old and they are still there.  You can also buy some hydrocortizone cream and just regular vaseline will work too, just apply with a cotton ball or something like that.  In the Jenny McCarthy book she says she used to just tuck a tucks pad between and cheeks and leave it there while she went shopping and other things! Its funny, but so true, it's instant relief! There also is a procedure, if you did want to go the medical route, to have them removed its an in and out in one day procedure I believe the dr. can do and you dont even have to go to the hospital! Good luck, hope your bum feels better!

  8.   Cotton balls soaked in witch hazel. Much cheaper than tucks and just as effective. Wear it until you have relief. It will reduce the swelling in your hemorrhoids. Perfectly safe for your pregnancy.

  9. It will go away on it's own. By the way....I think they should be called asteroids instead of hemorrhoids.  

  10. Before you use any creams like Preparation H, you need to okay it with your doctor. I'm 29 weeks pregnant and I have hemorrhoids also. You can soak a few cottons balls in witch hazel and apply to help soothe the area. Constipation can aggravate hemorrhoids so try to eat high-fiber foods and drink plenty of water. Eating prunes helps me to go. Also, don't linger on the toilet if you can't go.  

  11. Go to the pharmacy, you don't need to go to the doctor for that. Preparation H etc. They are all creams or sitting baths help as well.  

  12. my good friend duane hill from richmond had that once he said if i told anyone he'd kill me..I laughed so much, sorry hope it works itself out, btw he used cream he got from the chemist
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