
Embarrsing question but please help me!?

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I am 14 and sometimes when I laugh to hard I pee my pants. Why does this happen? It just comes out when I don't even have to go, and I am going into high school so please help me




  1. Practice stopping your pee as you are using the restroom.  It will be build up the muscles.  Also, flexing your vaginia muscles when sitting and standing will help.

  2. Its normal, almost all girls do that so dont worry bout it!

  3. is this often or a one time thing because i have laughed so hard i peed myself once before and i was 19 (just thinking about it I need to go pee LOL ) But it was a one time thing but if you do it often than either one of 2 things

    1. Work on your bladder control.


    2. You have some really funny moments I would love to hear about.

  4. drugs  

  5. it happens to many women anddd girls too, its not anormal or anything, you should talk to a doctor so he tells you a real way to control it without you hurting yourself by following the wierd advice above and get a real problem. Theres actually things you can do about it, but for your own safety and well being you should talk to a doctor and see what he recomends

  6. you need to do kegel exercises:

  7. that used to happen to me alott

    just dont hold it in everr

    you mightt thinkk you dont need to go

    but you prob do.

    soo.. yeah.

  8. Try pelvic floor exercises and see a doctor it maybe you might have an infection of the bladder, don't be embarrassed about seeing the doctor better to get it fixed than spending your life worrying about it.

  9. heey!

    i have the same problem.

    i laugh alot.

    so this happens to me like all the timee.


    i was told about those excersizes.

    and ive been doing them.

    when i remember too.

    and i havent peed while laughing in weeks.


  10. wear a pantyliner  

  11. Do Kegel exercises

  12. Now I want to give you the correct answer. You body is growing in this day and age faster then some of your organs. Your bladder is one of the last organs to reach it's full size usually when you are about 19. I had a similar problem up until I was 14. The only difference is I couldn't go a whole night without peeing. There is no exercise you can do. Wearing a pantie liner is good advice. If you are going to be put into a situation where you are going to laugh a lot you should try using the facilities even if you don't have to go. Your body will grow out of it. Good luck

  13. that used to happen to me too....

    eh basically the muscle's weak and cant hold the bladder closed.... jus keep flexin it n itl get stronger eventually... no one will know ur even doin it haha

  14. Because you are young, your sphincter muscle of the urethra (the muscle you tighten when you don't want to pee) is immature.  When you laugh, that muscle relaxes further and...well, you know!  This happens to a lot of people young and old.  You can strengthen it with Kegel exercises:  When sitting or standing, tighten that muscle and hold it for 10 seconds then relax.  Do this 10 to 15 times a couple of times per day (no one can see you do it).  It will help.  

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