
Emergency, Can you help me?

by  |  earlier

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these two girls that i really dont know well(i c them at school ps im in high school) came to my house 2 times. idk how they found out where i lived. the asked where this guy(idk who he is but he lives across the street from me) so i pointed them where he lived. they had a long conversation and i heard my name. so i when they walked home one said, i dont like ppl who lie to me. the other one says u rock and i forgive u. idk who they are but they are planing to do something and that guy is involved. i dont think its to kill me or anything serious. but they are planing to do something.they are friends with this girl i knew in 8th grade she didnt like me and she use to harras me. what should i do im scared and i dont want to get embarrased. so what should i do? what do u think they are planing?




  1. If they really seem like a threat to you, then you should try not to be alone very often. It's best that you're with friends most of the time. They won't try anything if you have a bunch of friends with you. By the way, you should try telling your closest friend who you think will under stand. I agree with an answer above, get your parent's to answer the door next time. Good luck!  

  2. You may be jumping the gun a bit. Its possible they only wanted to know where this boy lives because they like him. If you honestly feel threatened, tell your parents. good luck

  3. dont jump to conclusions or ask wut type of sick joke they r playing. just ask them wut they needed to know for. then email me maybe i can help sum more if i did help at all

  4. stay in the house

  5. Sounds like one or both of them like that guy.  They wanted an excuse to be near his house and knew you lived near him.  The second run-in with them sounds like they were on something...drunk...high... because their comments are kinda random and stuff. If they make you feel uncomfortable, tell your parents to answer the door next time...make them feel uncomfortable by having your mom or dad be suuuuper nice to them...

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