
Emma by Jane Austen help.?

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What particular aspects of the format does it excel in?

please help im soo stuck!




  1. Well, have you read the book?

    I wish I could answer this. I've picked up that book numerous times to buy it and I always put it back in the end.

    Perhaps, Google it?

  2. Jane Austen excels at irony, in all of her books. Emma thinking herself immune to love finally realises when her friend Harriet says she is in love with Mr Knightly that she has been in love with him for years.

    Elizabeth Bennet realises that her first impressions of people, which she prides herself on being accurate. completely fail her when it comes to the men in her life, Mr Darcy and Mr Wickham.

  3. She is ironic as well as witty. She creates memorable characters such as Mr Woodhouse, and the ghastly Augusta. She portrays Emma as a crashing snob, who tries her hand a matchmaking but ironically ends up getting hitched herself. The plotting is always a bit contrived - the whole Jane Fairfax/Frank Churchill can be a bit difficult to follow - JA likes her sub plots which keeps everyone on their toes. She also uses people like the Bate's to provide a commentary on the action , almost like a Greek Chorus, and some of her central character (Knightley) probably express JA's own views on the matters of the day. She writes about the nature of marriage and its importance in the 18th cenury society - something she was directly afffected by herself. Her heroines are strong , wilful even - but she is not afraid of letting them (gently) get their come-uppance - averything works out well for most people (apart from the Eltons).

  4. Um...can you rephrase the question? I'm confused. I've read it, but I can't help unless I understand the question.

  5. I wanted to read that book once.

    But Paul just snatched it out of my hand, he wanted to watch Rotheram FC lose the cup. So we did that instead.

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