
Emmigrating to New Zealand?

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Hi, I have just started to look into emmigrating to New Zealand as a qualified electrician, where would you say was the best place to live/find work?






  1. Austrailia is the place you need to go, stay away from poxy NZ.  Low wages and high crime do not make for a nice place to live or raise a family.

  2. In today's NZ Herald page F1:

    -"wages, tax and climate mean many more Kiwis are 'off' to Oz".

    -"Statistic NZ  says the no. of people leaving our shores for Aust was 30,600 in year to April. ...just under 600 people a week and increase on the comparable 2007 figure of 461 a week.."

    -"..professional 2100, service & sales workers 1900, trades workers 1800..."

    -"My skills are in demand here (Oz), in fact they are in demand in NZ - but Kiwi firms just can't pay their staff due to higher overheads..."

    If you really want to go NZ, Auckland city has the most opportunities. Good luck !

  3. New Zealand along with Australia is suffering a trade shortage at the moment with alot of qualified trades people moving offshore for higher wages. This is not to say that NZ has 3rd world wages although they are not the same as the UK, but the living cost in NZ is alot cheaper. If you are moving to NZ for a life style change i would say do it. Its a great place to live and have a family. Some of the people answering above me are very pessimistic and cynical i doubt most of them have lived in NZ without expectations of living in luxury. You can definitely earn enough to survive comfortably financially, i would say trawl the websites and look for a smallish town that needs an electrician as the living costs would be cheaper still and then go you get the real living in NZ experience. I would personally stay away from Auckland as it is the same as living in any city. Good Luck and congratulations on your decision i'm sure you'll love he change in pace when you get here

  4. Australia actually.  sorry but having been to both twice and having a son as an electrician.

      there are two main islands making up New Zealand. south is prettier and less populated, north is busier  but has more opportunity for work.

      It is difficult to  give a proper answer unless you live there and as a visitor passing through I can only see what places i liked which can be irrelevant to you.

    I would suggest you try posting this question on the New Zealand pages  as you will most likely get a better and honest response with  poor and good work areas to choose from. If you are not going soon then it may pay you to look around for a chat room person who lives there in your age group. once you get friendly you can get free and honest advise from a citizen over there. or should I say down under? good luck .

  5. Building is a little on the decline at the moment. I suggest you look at job options at or

    This will give you a better idea of where the most jobs in your field are.

    Then you could take t from there. Look at the climate and activities in the area. Auckland will likely have plenty of work, but if you prefer a smaller city I'd say go where there seem to be plenty of jobs.You may even want to apply for some before coming, or checkout what they require.

    You can check out the kind of work visa options here.

    Good Luck - I think we have a shortage of plumbers so you should be able to get work.

  6. A good idea as Gail has mentioned would be to have a look at current job listings, see if something catches your eye and go from there.

    follow this direct link to the trade me jobs index


    Biggest city in NZ is Auckland in the North island with a population of approximately 1.2 million, followed by Christchurch in the south island, population approximately 400,000, then Wellington which is the capital city of NZ

    check out these links

    other great cities to consider are Tauranga (north island), Nelson (top of the south island, most sunshine hours in all of NZ) and Dunedin (South island).

    NZ is a wonderful country with so many beautiful landmarks, beaches and mountains it makes for a great lifestyle.

    Contrary to what other people have said there is a capacity to earn a lot here, especially in the field of electrician work. hundreds of people migrate here every year from the UK, USA even Australia! and i've never heard of any of them regretting it. we have no dangerous or poisonous creatures, a great climate and all the mod cons that make for a wonderful life.

    Good luck :-)

  7. A qualified sparky shouldn't have that much trouble finding work in New Zealand. Guess it's just a matter of applying to jobs that are advertised online and waiting to hear back.

  8. Auckland is the most vibrant city in New Zealand, and I'd say the best city (but that's just my opinion and I'll probably get a jafa comment for it). It's the most populated at about 1.2 million people and is made up of several different city councils. These include:T

    he West (primarily Waitakere City) surrounded by the Waitakere Ranges (native bush) and many beaches. West Auckland is famous for its Westie image, search youtube for "Outrageous Fortunes" a show based on Westies. the Harbour towards the North is the North Shore, and is also surrounded by beaches. To the South there's Manukau City, Papakura etc. Parts of South Auckland are regarded as dangerous, as crime levels in this area have picked up. In the Centre of the Auckland region is Auckland City. It is home to the Auckland CBD and is the heart of Auckland.

    Anywhere you go in Auckland, and basically New Zealand in general, is surrounded by water. Infact it has the highest rate of private ownership or boats in the world.

    Good luck

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