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You see so many cars in other countries that get better gas mileage. Do you think the government could relax the emmission standards so our newer cars could get the same mileage as in other countries that do not have the strict emmissions?




  1. The US does not have very strict emmissions standards, but if we are lucky, they will reach those as desired by California.

    Um, would you prefer to breath in pollutants? Would you like to have less oxygen in the air? Um, would you like to develop or see a lot of others develop respiratory ailments like asthma? OK, then let's all agree with George Bush to lower emmissions standards so that perhaps we can drive faster? Where would you go? I mean, unless you are travelling for at least 3 hours, going 90 miles per hour is not going to get you there all the faster. Slower is safer.

    Dude, get a grip on yourself and realize that emmissions reductions is one of the most important things that we face as humans on planet earth.

  2. I'm not sure what emmissions have to do with fuel economy. Engine size is a factor. So is a vehicle's weight. The rate of burn. Oxygen to fuel mixture...

  3. why relax emission standards? personally i like breathing clean air and drinking clean water. we do have to be responsible though in the standards we set. there are many things though that affect fuel economy, and emissions production is one of those things. these days emission controls are integrated into the design of the vehicle, and the computer takes into account many things to maximize fuel economy and minimize emissions out put.

    one thing that needs to be done to improve fuel economy is to reduce weight, drag, and friction. also if we can get the thermal efficiency of the internal combustion engine up to around 80%, we can have engine that produce few emissions, make lots of power, and get fuel economy ratings in the 75+ mpg range for large engines.

  4. Did that girl ahead of me say something about reducing oxygen in the air? The CO2 level rose from 300 ppm to 360 ppm in 100 years! parts per MILLION! We are not reducing our oxygen levels. The Earth controls us, we do not control the Earth.

  5. It does help that a UK gallon is some 20% larger than a US gallon.  However EU emission standards are becoming much tighter, but I expect that European cars will continue to get better mileage as they are generally smaller (even when corrected for the difference in the UK and US gallon)

  6. Mostly cars that get better mileage have wussy engines. Don't forget we here in the U.S. have freeways, and it takes more engine to go 80 mph than 35. I am from L.A., when I was 9 there was one day I will remember for the rest of my life. It was HOT, 109 degrees, the sidewalk burned my feet through my Keds, and the air was a sickly yellowish brown, I could look directly at the sun! The air burned, not only my eyes but burned all the way down into my lungs. I'm 55 now and I still remember that burn like it was yesterday.
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