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I'm not so sure if this is actually a question but are there any empaths out there on the internet who can read emotions.




  1. Well, I'm a necropath, it's kinda like an empath but just not with a warm body attached.  Close enough :-P

    Blessed be

  2. No, there isn't.

    Sure, any person can interpret emotion from a piece of writing, but sensing emotion paranormally is a different matter and the purported ability is not supported by any credible evidence. Some people think they are doing the latter simply because they can do the former, but that is only self-deception.

  3. There are quite a few of them, yes. My husband and I connected over the net through empathy and I've shared empathic bonds with many people I've met online.

    Some people find it hard to believe that anyone could read you over the net because of the distance, but as emotions are really just energy, it's really not such a strange idea. I would be weary of anyone who is charging money for empathic readings though, as that is usually a scam to prey on people who need the emotional support.

  4. Lots of them.

    If you want to learn about the subject without having to sort through a lot of anonymous answers by strangers, about whom you know nothing, including whether they know anything, there's a way to learn.

    The reading list below can act as a source for you. Most of the titles can be found in your local library. If they don't have them they can borrow them from another library.

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