
Endorphin withdrawal?

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I'm addicted to endorphins. If I don't hurt myself or get some sort of simulation, I go into withdrawal. Please help me. This is getting quite ridiculous. Is there some sort of therapy that can help me?




  1. see a doctor. and think about just going ahead and toughing it out through the withdrawal so you will be free of this addiction. I hope things work out for you.  

  2. Will power, plain and simple. If you want to quit then you can do it. I was a frequent self harmer, and even though I would like nothing better than to get that sweet feeling of release I'm fighting it. I gave my friends my word and I'll be damned if I'm simply too weak to quit.

  3. what do you mean by endorphins? the natural type? self injurious behaviour is not really a good way to go. Stimulation- do you work for a wage or work at home? Do you do any volunteer work? Or maybe get into some highly physical activities like run a marathon? Therapy? have a good look at how other people live their lives and cope with issues and maybe learn from them? You sound quite capable of  getting some professional self-health literature to read.
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