
Energy for free................get out?

by  |  earlier

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the air car, magnet car? my question is very simple. when(if) the country is hit by bird flu, the gov will quickly scramble for and gather all its best engineers and scientist to come up with something. so i see this gas thing as something simular. they country is being held hostage and at gun point by shell exxon texaco ... much like the slave days for the blackman 150yrs ago. they jump(with their gas price) we say yesa massa. why can't someone in the white house take a look at this and perfect it and make it avaliable for the US market. to me it better than the hybrids,fuelcells solar ...

whats wrong with free energy for all?





  2. Wow! I was born to late.

  3. Joe...nothing at all is wrong with free energy for all!

    Of course people will always throw the "conservation of energy" they learned in school at you...not saying it's wrong just isn't always the answer

    More appropriately "energy can't be created or DESTROYED"

    That's right, energy in the universe to start is equal at the end (if there is an end) regardless of how much work humans do! can convert energy to one form and then back again...all the while not losing energy...

    Add to that that all mass IS energy (E = MC^2)...

    You get the is abundant and should be free for all...

    So why is it not?

    Well, if you read energy patents on google you will find that there are many inventions that use the unlimited energy in unique ways...

    What you won't find is who bought the rights to the patent...usually a non-disclosure statement is required when the money changes hands.

    So, partially to blame is the patent system that allows god-given laws of physics translated into energy conversion to be "owned" by the highest bidder...

    And without the patent rights no one will invest the millions required to manufacture the devices.

    And if the patent owner does not sell the rights...then they have "other" ways of dealing with that as the details for another time

    Patent law allows you to make one for it appears that some mechanically inclined individuals do just that.

    Everyone interested in this should google Tesla and his patents as he was way ahead of his time and engineers are still just now understanding some of his energy devices.  This shows how long things can be tied-up...this is over 100 years...

    You're on the right track Joe!

  4. Yawn.

    Another perpetual motion machine.

  5. The term perpetual motion, taken literally, refers to movement that goes on forever. However, perpetual motion usually refers to a device or system that delivers more energy than was put into it. Such a device or system would be in violation of the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy can never be created or destroyed, and is therefore impossible. The most conventional type of perpetual motion machine is a mechanical system which (supposedly) sustains motion while inevitably losing energy to friction and air resistance.

    Basically, here is the process of free energy machines:

    an inventor says they have a free energy machine

    asks for investors

    collect money

  6. I wonder how the laws of thermodynamics applies to those cars?  This is just alot of hot air really.

  7. Because we somehow feel the need to use money, still

    Power and all that stuff...

  8. hot aier?

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