
Engineering Field Help?

by Guest64891  |  earlier

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I'm a high school junior and i'm interested in a career field in engineering, but i'd like to check out some various fields. If your an engineer or an engineering student could you just say your input? I really appreciate it. Thanks




  1. Hi

    If you have the interest towards engineering, this garantees you to become a "superior" engineer one day.

    At this level you should acquire some skills that helps you now and in the future :

    1- Solving problems : an essential skill that an engineer use in his entire carrer. You should practice solving problems in math, physics, chemistry, etc. Because you will use "very similar" techniques in engineering.

    2- Reading your text books on Physics, precalculus, chemistry, as careful as you can. Mastering these essential basics guarantees you to master any branch in engineering.

    3- Designing and drawing. This is the most essential skill, if you want to become an inventor or a designer,( greatest paid and best elite status).

    Spend some time on drawing , designing, use graph parpers, use geometric shapes to deisgn intricate shapes.

    Good luck

  2. Hey there, I'm a recent Mechanical Engineering grad, so let me put my two cents in.

    First of all, an engineer in general is a problem solver.  Whether it be by building a structure or object, optimizing a process or device, creating a new material, or doing research, engineers create solutions to problems.  That's the first thing you need to know.  We're more hands on that mathematicians or theoretical physicists and don't sit around all day solving equations, although we need that background knowledge to know how and why things work.  That was a big draw to me- knowing WHY, as opposed to just how something works.  A technician knows how something works, an engineer knows why and how.  That difference is reflected in education, position, and salary.

    The various fields differ in what sorts of problems they solve.  A few quick examples of what these fields are and what they might do:

    Chemical engineer- provide solutions to pollution problems

    Biomedical engineer- design medical instruments

    Mechanical engineer- a very broad range of learning (why I chose it), including jobs in defense, building, heating and air conditioning, and the automotive industry.  an example job might be designing sensors of troops in the military (my job), or creating a new brake pad for a Ford Mustang

    Computer engineer- design a more powerful computer processor

    Aerospace engineer- work on the next space shuttle

    Electrical engineer- work in a power plant optimizing energy distribution

    Civil engineer- build that power plant

    And those are just samples.  What field you join is up to you and what subjects you're interested in.  For all of them, you'll need the ability to be proficient in math and science, and writing is a big part of being an engineer too (we write long, long reports very often).  Communication is also an overlooked facet of being an engineer, and teamwork skills are crucial since most engineers work in groups.

    It's a great field to get into, although it's a very challenging field of study.  You will make good money out of college (higher than most other majors, but you won't make 6 figures right out of college with an undergrad degree, I promise you) and make a good living down the road, and have great job stability.  It can be a very interesting and rewarding type of work, and I personally recommend it.

    Hope this helps.

  3. I'm going into 8th so i''m not an engineer student but I want to be a computer engineer

    1 because i love computers

    2 I like workings with computers

    3 I am good at math and science

    4 The make 6 figures

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