
England is being taken over?

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England is being taken over?




  1. Afraid so.

  2. yes it is.  I saw that TV programme about the killer ladybirds.  That is what you was on about isn't it????

  3. yes to many foreigns here we will have to rename it soon

  4. even the queen said some strange powrer .was at work in this land

    listen to the queens message you tube

    money is running the world?

    who,s got the money?

    i,m not going to say it but i fear it is true.

  5. no its not

  6. yes mate big time so we need 2 get labour out fast

  7. I assume your whining about the South Asians. You guys on the other side of the pond have to stop getting so upset. UK is like 92% white.


    These are the US states that are more than 92% white.



    West Virginia

    New Hampshire


    Chill out, have a party and invite one of your Pakistani neighbors.

  8. We are always hearing how America is being taken over (by Mexicans) and--being a grandson of immigrants--I'm not too worried.  We'll manage.  We've been taken over by Irish, by Germans and by Italians and we've survived.

    England will survive too.  What is it you guys say?  "There'll always be an England?"

    The faces may look a bit different, that's all.

  9. No it is not.  

    The overwhelming majority of immigrants just try to live their lives here just the same as we do when we emigrate to their countries.

  10. Yes it is!

  11. What Country isnt eh? We are not the only Country look at the rest of Europe.....even Australia that had quite diverse policies on foriegners has opened its doors....We are an Island.....Lets flood the Channel Tunnel and close our borders shut....

  12. by who?  Are you just a racist who sees all foreigners as a threat?  I'm sure people like you see me as foreign, but whether you like it or not I AM ENGLISH so get over it

  13. whats worse, we cant even fly the george cross flag, without insulting some one, but what i say is tough, if they dont like my flag, then to pis off

  14. To tell you the truth, we went to so many countries, took over everything without invitation, I think they paying back the visit now,but as it happens it is not just a visit.

  15. by whom?  Donald Trump?

  16. England needs to stop more coming in and do more checks on the ones that are there as no one really knows the the true numbers and send more back that have no right to be there. Every country has a breaking point! England is close to its, It is not mix really as everyone lives in there own areas to live in..Blacks, asians.etc.. One day there will be more trouble through the problem it causes, as there has been some and areas in England still have problems due to many cultures living iin one area and not truly living the British way!.. Like you people i have a right to express myself since everyone seems to fair..LOL then you dont mind me speaking my mind.. :)

  17. The English have taken over other countries and imposed their language and culture on's good you're having a taste of your own medicine at last.

  18. of course its not.  Its just people being paranoid again

  19. The world is just a big business that's merging.

  20. By the celtic politicians years ago.

  21. Sadly, yes......we are now the minority in our own country.....thats why i have moved to Cyprus!!

  22. TaKen over by who?

    The Romans? The Vikings? The Normans?

    We've had waves of invaders and immigrants since we seperated from Europe and became an island, and we've always itched a bit when the next new lot first came, then settled down and lived happily together, and we always will.

  23. i think that may be a yes as we dont seem to be great britain anymore we have lost our identity

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