
English Help With These Quotes!?

by  |  earlier

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So, I have to translate these quotes and I have absolutely NO idea what they mean! Apparently, Shakespeare originated all of them. Any help is appreciated!! LOL!

"A method in his madness"

"Loved not wisely, but too well"

"The seamy side"

"Flaming youth"

"Single blessedness"

"Spotless reputation"

"In my mind's eye"





  1. Method in his madness is talking about hamlet and how there is a reason he is acting mad, its commonly used now to mean that there is a system or a plan at work even if you cannot see it "don't worry there is a method to my madness"

    loved not wisely, but too well  ~ i think this just means that who ever it was talking about was spoiled, for example given everything they wanted, or possibly that they loved the wrong person and loved them too much,

    flaming youth refers to the fact that youths are often quick to anger and quick to act.

    spotless reputation means being completely innocent of any wrong doing, having no record of ever doing anything wrong

    In my minds eye ~ refers to seeing or imagining something in your mind, having a mental picture of something.

    Dont know about the other 2 sorry.

    Hope that was helpful

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