
English Question anyone ?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone want to ask a question about something to do with England - the UK- or Europe- or even something we can all Answer. If you do please let me know I am going for a cuppa but will be back soon.




  1. Are you....perhaps...suggesting...mildly....... most of the questions on "all english Yahoo"....seem to be........from......shhhhhh......America...    Just......shhh...asking, cause if you are.....well......I might just have to................agree.....but this is all hush hush....between you & billions of other english speaking y/a users, who are not from the US & me who is.  =)

    But seriously, my question to you is what's going on in your neck of the woods that is interesting to you & you'd like to share with the rest of us?

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