
English paper intro help?

by Guest32504  |  earlier

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i have a assignment to write a one page paper about myself. I have to tell who i am, where im from, why i chose this college, my hobbies, etc... whats a good introduction sentence for a paper like this? Please help, thanks...




  1. How about " couldn't have come up with a better match than [your name] and [your college]." Then go on to explain. Use every paragraph to tell something about yourself and something about how that influenced the choice of this college.

  2. Since it's an introduction, obviously you would want to introduce yourself. Name, age, something interesting about you. The "thesis" of the introduction should most likely be why you are at that particular college since this is basically what they are wanting to know. From there you can talk about how you became interested in your field of study, etc. Then lastly talk about yourself as an individual, hobbies, family, etc.

    Hope this helps. When I was in your shoes I had no Yahoo Answers to fall back on. Kinda wish I had. Well anyway, best of luck to you!

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