
English riders? This is about posting...?

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Why do you have to post with the outside front leg of the horse? Like, why do you have to stand up when that one lifts up?

I mean posting when your trotting, I don't think there's any other kind of posting but uhh yeah.




  1. It is not just tradition.  It's about what helps your horse balance.

    If you're riding along in a field going straight, it really doesn't matter which leg you post with (although you should switch after a while to even out the weight...  just like you'd change your lead after a while...  like how racehorses are supposed to run on the left lead through the turn and the right lead in the stretch).

    When you're turning, your posting diagonal matters just like your canter lead.  You take the lead of the inside leg so that your horse can get around the corner comfortably.  That's the same reason that you post with the leg on the wall.  As the horse goes around the turn, the outside legs are taking a slightly bigger step than the inside legs.  You post with that outside leg because it helps the horse take that bigger step...  when you come off the horses back, it can move easier than when you sit...  so you stand up as the horse takes its bigger step and you sit as it takes its smaller step.  When you post the wrong diagonal it's harder for the horse to make the turn because your body weight encourages it to take a smaller step with the outside leg.  It's kinda like every time you start to turn if a friend pulls on your other arm and holds you back.

  2. I agree with HorseJumper. A lot of things involving horses are based on tradition. It was probably that that was what hunting parties did or something.

  3. Hmm... This is a very good question.  I honestly do not have an answer.  My guess is that it started that way, and tha tis just the way it has always been done.

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