
English weather AaaaaaAAAArgh?

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Just wanted you to know that I'm sat here with a list of jobs I need to do on a wet Saturday when I should be out playing on the bike.

Anyone else in the same boat?

Pun about boats was intentional, we got a monsoon going outside here in Yorkshire. Global warming? Global wetting more like!

Off to get on with those chores now. :-(




  1. I bet my list is bigger than yours,Raining here as well,Lancashire.

  2. I cured the severe problems with the English weather that I suffered ( I lived in Saddleworth) in one move. It was to Australia.

  3. i have the same sort, im with air cadets doing a 25 mile over night walk over the south downs and is expected to rain and its nonstop with over half your body weight on your back, its a put off but looks like im gonna get wet:)

  4. well im in my shed of plenty..looking out at the least ive got sky tv,tinternet,large screen tv,loads of music and im fitting a alarm on a R1...with a large green one on its way being rolled....ah,what a life!..

  5. Must be global wetting; rainy this morning in Ohio, too. The weather is rideable, but cool and clammy. Maybe this afternoon, eh?

  6. I ride every day in all weathers but I must say all this rain is getting me down. Its not even as if we can ride south for better weather is it ?

    Also a real beeatch cleaning all my chrome constantly, I'm tempted to get me a rat bike for when its like this !

    I guess I could call it a water rat !

  7. Just go out and ride in the rain. If you need an excuse it's to improve your wet riding skills. I use my bike everyday and although the rain pisses me off it's not that much slower than in the dry. If you have a good waterproof kit (and it doesn't have to be expensive- check out Ride magazine) you'll stay pretty dry. Of course all this depends on the chores and how much you want to get out of them lol.

  8. Yeah was supposed to go on a walk today so just look at it. I rained last walk we went on too and I discovered, half way round, that my boots needed reproofing.  I sort of squelched all way home, yeuk.  Its threatening to brighten up now that my plans are wrecked grrrh!

  9. If you choose to live in Yorksha as only the best of us do, then to have the best county you have to put up wi' a bit o' wata now and then.

    I'm in the same boat but cannot see you at the helm so who/s steering this thing?

    I quit the jobs and now sat here watching t'rain buket it darn, roll on t'mora when I'm off on a 600 miler, wi' me boots an' wata proofs a'ready.

    Roll on suma it's suposed te be on a sunday this year.

  10. Lovely here in Mid Wales - kids sat eating ice cream outside!

  11. It's only rain! Get out there and ride. If you can ride well in wet conditions, imagine what it will do for your dry-weather skills. I'm in Cumbria, where we get so much rain we export the stuff. If I didn't go out in the rain I'd hardly ride my bike at all.

  12. Yup, me too. Supposed to be going on a nice run out up in Snowdonia today and a spot of camping tonight.

    Same thing happened a couple of weeks ago. Ended up spending the time swishing out my flooded garage. Wehey for the summer!

  13. At 9 o'clock this morning it was bright & sunny here in Glasgow. "Great" I thought, "I'll go wash and wax the car, and do a few wee jobs on it" By the time I'd finished breakfast it was p!55ing down, and it hasn't stopped since!!

    Got an Email from a mate in Australia yesterday, where it's the middle of their winter. He's moaning cos it's a little dull and "only" 20C!!!

  14. sorry , rode to daytona beach yesterday , hot as heck , got caught in a little rain storm they come fast and furrious here with lightning , but to make you feel better im stuck in the office today Saturday !

  15. haha i was just texting a friend about this s**t weather when i read your question!!! Im up in Scotland and the weather here is really bad too. i woke up really in the mood to go out and do soemthing outdoorsy with the kids, and its now pouring rain and its really clammy!!!!!!! God it makes me mad!!!!!

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