
Enjoying birth?

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ok i'm 36 weeks preg and trying my best to be positive about the approaching big day, i,m telling my brain that i can do this, that me and the baby will work as a team, and i practise breathing to relax.

i,m 35 and this is my 2nd baby, was 27 when i had my first and was induced, did,nt have epidural and was cut etc. are there other women out there who can share a more positive experience as opossed to women who brag about their horror tales..thanx




  1. the birth of my son was not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, i did have an epidurl but that was 30minutes before i  delivered, and i as well had it due to the horror stories ppl talk about.

    i kept myself positive about by telling myself, if giving birth is that "bad" then why do women have and want more than one kid? makes sense doesnt it, i mean if it was that bad women wouldnt have multiple children, hope this helps

  2. Let me first say that I had an epidural, bc of all the horror stories I heard.  And, 20 months later, I am still happy with my decision.  I was relaxed during labor.....No screaming or punching anyone.  I also loved my ob which I'm sure can help a labor seem much better.  I had almost my entire family in the delivery room, which gave me the support I needed.  Overall it was a great experience for me.  My daughter and my body did work together and although I had some problems during labor, I was very satisfied.  It was a lot different from the horror stories I heard.  Good luck hun and congrats!!!!

  3. My due date was April 2nd, 2007. I went to the dr that day and he was going out of town for Easter. So he wanted to induce me. I was very hesitant about it. My husband is a doc and thinks its not the best way to go. But I did it. I went to the hospital. And my due date happened to be a full moon. (They say a full moon puts a woman in labor.) When I got there I started having contractions on my own. So they just gave me pitocin to speed up the process. I got my epidural at 2 cm dilated. LET ME TELL YOU!!! My labor and delivery went SOOOO smoothly!! I didn't feel a thing, I had her in 5 hours, she was healthy. I wasn't cut. It was so good I've decided to have 3 more children. My doctor said it was the easiest delivery he's every experienced in his entire years of practicing. And let me tell you I was a nervous wreck for weeks! All for nothing. So good luck! It'll be just fine!! P.S. I didn't even feel pressure with my epidural!!

  4. I just read both your question and also the answer's and i tell you one thing it make me feel better!! Currently im 40 weeks pregnant with no sign of this little one wanting to arrive yet, but i keep hearing all horror stories, im now looking at getting induced and not very keen on it, hopefully this little one arrives before then. Good luck with the birth of your baby!

  5. My induction last year went very smoothly!  They put the drug on my cervix at night and then gave me a sleeping pill.  I slept like a baby all night.  In the morning they broke my water.  Contractions started up.  I was able to manage them for a couple hours by standing in the shower leaning over a chair.  When I asked for the epidural, I was just at 3 CM and they gave it to me right away.  The epidural was amazing - after I got it, I laid there reading magazines and making calls.  I saw the contractions on the screen but didn't feel a thing.  When it was time to push at 4 PM, the nurse turned down the epidural so I could feel what I was doing.  The doctor came in and told jokes while I pushed. Baby was in my arms in less than 20 min.  :)  I had to be sewn up but then I popped right up and walked over to the nursery to admire my little angel.  

    I wish you a very positive experience. Even if you have to be induced again, it can go very smoothly!

  6. I've had 4 of them.  And I went natural every time.  Women have a lot of horror stories because the drugs that are administered actually make the labor worse.  They are too afraid to withstand the pain that was meant to be.  An epidural can cause nerve damage leading to PDD and in some rarer cases psychosis in women later on.  There is back pain involved.  They cannot feel when to push.  If you aren't intuned with your own body, it makes it harder.  Being induced is very bad also, the contractions are extremely strong, making it harder for these women, you don't dilate any faster, in fact you dilate slower.  The contractions are so hard that it cuts off oxygen to the baby.  So the medical intervention is actually making things worse and these women just don't know any better.  The less intervention, the better.  My second one I was watching TV with friends and family around, they took her to give her a bath and I got up and took a shower on my own.  She was born at 7:55 in the morning.  By 8 that night, we were both home.  I was made to stay a little longer because it was the night that they threw the parent's dinner with the steak and the doctor thought I should have a nice dinner.  The next day I went out and showed some of the girls in the neighborhood how to do gymnastics...yes, showed them.  Why....because everything was very natural, very easy and barely a recovery time at all.  Just relax and keep intuned with your body.  You will do fine.  Stop listening to the masses, if you notice, they are all brainwashed into thinking this is good as well as immunizations, growth charts, tests for this and tests for that.  Do your own research and don't feel bad if you feel differently than most.  We are trained to "listen to the experts" and if you fall off that cart with the rest of them, then they think you don't know anything.  I'm not young, I'm 42 years old and have learned through experience.
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