
Entering ireland.?

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my two friends are both south african and they are in london for a holiday, they want to come and visit me in ireland but they are unsure as to whether they need a seperate holiday visa to enter ireland. they have all the necessary docoments to be in england. a friend told them they don't need any paper's to go to ireland on a holiday as they are both in the eu. please help




  1. If they are in the uk they dont need any documentation - just get on the ferry.

  2. Can I ask a question under an answer???Probably not but who cares?Can I ask what book/school/college/website/idiot friend did ridicolous1 (see above) get her info that Ireland is part of the UK.I am just curious thats all................

  3. IRELAND IS NOT PART OF THE UNITED KINGDOM..ONLY NORTHERN IRELAND!...sorry i know that doesnt answer your question but its pissing me off the amount of people saying that!

  4. Your friends from South Africa should have no problem visiting Ireland as long as they have their passports.

    I located this on the Ireland tourism site:

    "Non UK nationals must have a valid passport or national identity card as appropriate.

    Citizens living within the EU and most other Western countries including Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa do not require visas".

  5. Since there seems no agreement in all the answers, here's what you do. Have them take the Ferry to Belfast . Then either pick them up by Car or they can take a Bus. Have no Idea where you live but it works for me here in Donegal Town

  6. Well said LouLou. What sort of a cretin would say Ireland is in the UK. For Podge-- I have a South African friend who visited Ireland no problem until he tried to get back to the UK and the stiffs at the check in would not let him into the UK. I'd suggest he talks to the SA embbassy in London and in Dublin and sews it up like a drum

  7. If I see one more person on this forum saying Ireland is still part of the UK, I'll really lose my temper. The best thing to do is ring the Irish embassy, they will have all the information about if visa's are needed or not.

  8. I would assume that your friends' visas were to the United Kingdom, if so they will not need a separate visa into Ireland as Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. However their visas do not cover other EU countries eg spain,France, Germany etc.

    To be on the safe side double-check on their behalf from the embassy.
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