I'm moving my beardie to her new home. It will have her branch, a hollowed out half log, her dishes, and a sand substrate (she's eating 1" crickets and has been on paper until now).
The thing I'm worried about is that except for meals she just sprawls on her branch. I'd like to give her something to do to occupy her time. I have a few ideas but would like some feedback.
Might parrot toys help? I'm thinking about something with a small mirror so she's less likely to launch herself into the glass to get at her reflection. Those leaps are pretty spectacular and I worry about her getting injured.
I know that a companion isn't a good idea unless you're absolutely certain both are female, are the same size, and can get along. Mine isn't quite an adult yet and all the beardies around here are either babies or full adults. We also think that she might be a GG and don't know how much growing she has left to do.
She also doesn't show an intrest in checking out hiding spots.