
Environmentally Friendly things?

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I have a project for school where were supposed to make plans for an eco-friendly building. I chose the gas station. What are a few eco- friendly things I can put in a gas station?




  1. Make sure you have eco-anti freeze, oil, etc. Also use green plaster board, there are alot of different items that are being used now days to build an eco- building. Good Luck.

  2. French drains and water purifying unit are good ideas.

    You can make a basic but very good water purifying system by running water through different layers of rocks and stones to very fine sand topped with a layer of sponge to trap the remaining large bits of debris. This filter can be made in a water butt.

    The car wash water can be cleaned and reused to wash more cars.

  3. Solar panels on the roof, biodiesel, hydrogen and natural gas fueling pumps.  Gas Stations usually have big windows.  I have read about companies making a plastic film to stick on windows that help hold in the heat during winter, and keep out the heat during summer.

    While digging holes to put in the fuel tanks, also dig a bit deeper and put in a geothermal heating/cooling system.

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