
Epidural Question?

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I just asked about the epidural on the Mexico sight, I live in Mexico but Im American. Im 25 weeks pregnant and every time i ask about the epidural the women look at me like Im a bad person becuase they could overcome the pains.

On my last question everyone was like It hurts so bad and you can die and it causes to many complications. Would they say that out of pure ignorance or do you think it really hurts and that you can die.

I dont have a high threshold for pain and I hate that I get looked down on.




  1. Old School Women look down on epidurals ... my aunt (from Mexico) criticizes women and when she finds out someone used it she starts saying "a real woman can take the pain ,,, your not a real mother and you cant love your child unless you suffer for them."

    What I have to say is ... "F*CK YOU!" If I could I would get 20 epidurals!! haha~ I cant handle pain either ... I cant even handle Braxton Hicks ... haha!!

    Girl Do your thing ... Don't let people intimidate you into not getting one if you really need one ... or even if you want one!!!

    Its your baby, your pregnancy and your pain ... no one else is feeling what you are feeling so only you can make that choice!

    don't be nervous!! your not going to die from an epidural ... and imagine its just a little pinch to help you get your baby out! :)

  2. there is risks that involve a epidural but very rare anything can go wrong, i had one and didn't feel any pain at all, even when i had to push the doctor had to tell me when to, i will say i suffer with my back now not sure if its to do with the epidural or not, and it made my labor last longer, but i was pain free

  3. I'm speaking from personal experience because I had one nasty epidural and one good epidural and had two babies drug free.

    It really depends on your hopes for the labor and delivery.  If you really can't stand the pain and are willing to risk getting the side effects from the epidural than get the epidural.  

    Without the epidural you will have side effects as well.  You have more swelling down below because of the intensity of the contractions and pushing where with the epidural its more controlled.  

    The epidural I got was given mid contraction/pushing.  The knicked the column i had some numbness one on side of my body.  Only covering about 25% of the area.  I had a nasty spinal headache and couldn't move my neck for over a week and I had respiratory distress after delivery because i was already in pushing phase so they layed me flat directly after injection and my epidural ran uphill.  I know this is rare!  

    If you get your epidural early on in labor it's great but it you might as well go ALL the way without it!

    That's my advice.  I'm getting ready to have my 5th baby and I'm going to take my own advice.  I haven't made any final decisions I'm waiting for the moment.

  4. First off, I'm sorry people are being so rude to you.  Secondly, I hope I can answer your question.  I have 3 kids and each one was different.  I was in a lot of pain from the contractions and I asked for the epidural.  It did hurt going in, mainly because you are having contractions and you have to sit still for the doctor to put the epidural in.  That was the hardest part.  With my second, i got the epidural again, however it didn't really feel like anything, i couldn't believe it had gone in so quickly.  I think it was because with my first child i didn't know what to expect.  With my third child, i got no epidural.  LOL...I wanted one, but i dialated so fast i didn't have time...and because i wasn't coached on how to breathe...and believe me you forget to breathe through it unless you know how, it hurt soooooo bad.  But here is my suggestion...this is your first child.  You do what you want.  You can't prepare yourself for how your labor is going to go...but if you make the choice to get an epidural then stick by it.  Remember, your first labor and delivery is going to be the longest because your body hasn't adjusted yet.  So if you can't tolerate the pain...don't hesitate to ask for medicine.  Sometimes its whats best.  You need to be rested for all the pushing and if you're not, it could cause stress on the baby.  And sure there are side effects...but there are side effects from a lot of other things too.  Good luck and congrats

  5. there are some risks,,and a bit of pain, it is a personal decision.  be sure to ask alot of questions (of the dr) and make your decision.  i didnt want to have it either, but i was carrying twins and the dr explained it to me as it was for the safety of the babies and not me.  he knew i could do it and that was not the question, for me it was the risk of twins and needing to "get in there" fast if need be.  the actual placement is what most talk about when they say pain.  it can be a bit uncomfortable as you are curled up on a ball on the side of the bed so they can properly place it.  if you are having contractions this can be a bit uncomfortable.  after it is placed all is well.  

    parenthood has many sides, and it will seem no matter what you choose, epidural/natural,,bottle/breast,,,spank/... spank,,,cosleep/crib there is going to be someone that sees the other side and will cast judgement. remember you are the parent and it is YOUR family and noone else.  do what comes natural for you and your family and make no excuses for it.

  6. I had an epidural with my son and now i'm pregnant again and will probably have another one. I have a high pain tolerence like HIGH. and child birth is no f-ing joke. its not having them so much as the labor part that sucks the contractions is what hurts the most. when you get your epidural it doesn't hurt idk about dying from it but you can die from child birth i know that. my epidural only worked on my right side and it still helped. i think its your option what you want to do.  

  7. Theres very little chance of you dying from an epidural. The usually numb the area before they put it in so mostly what you feel is pressure. There are a few risks with the epidural like possibly being paralized though. Its a tube thats inserted into your spinal column so theres potential for alot of things to go wrong. Most people have only slight complictaions. goodluck!

  8. I got the epidural and I didnt die. I didn't even feel it. Some people do feel like you don't need it. But it does not depend on what they feel. It depends on what you feel. If you feel you do, then that is what matters. Noone is going to go through your labor except you. If you want it, get it. I got it both times, and got plenty of rest so that when it was time to push, I could and had no issues. I was well rested and able to do what I needed to do. Plus, you can die just from the labor.

  9. I had an epidural and it kinda felt like a mild bee sting.  They have to warn you that it could take up to 40 minutes to get in, etc...but mine was done in less than a minute.  I literally asked "that's it"?  

    Edit: OMG Konar K...could you just answer a question without copying and pasting that stupid paragraph like 100 times.  If you want to earn points, use your brain a little.

  10. I got the epidural with both of my pregnancy when I was in labor. It really doesn't hurt. The only part would hurt when they put the needle in your back. But after that you fine. Then you wouldn't be able to feel anything belly down to your legs. It would be numb for good while. You wouldn't be able to feel contractions or anything.  

  11. i had an epidural last dec and plan on having another this dec for this pregnancy . the epidural does not hurt at all . they numb you with a spray and then put the needle in and it does not hurt youdon'tt feel anything i promise sodon'tt let people tell you it does they are just scaring you so youdon'tt have one. not everyone tolerated pain the same way and there is nothing wrong with wanting relief for the horrible pain of labor. i would not give birth in mexico butthat'ss just me. i even have pictures of myself with the pidural i wanted to see what it looked like i can share just let me know  

  12. I had a great experience getting the epidural.  It doesn't hurt but it is slightly uncomfortable and you have to remain still for 10 minutes while it's being inserted.    

    When I was in labor I welcomed the epidural with open arms.  As soon as I got it, I felt no pain.  I napped and read magazines until it was time to push.  Meanwhile I was watching my contractions on the monitor and they were very intense.  

    The risk factor comes in if you move while it's being inserted (but the nurses help you through it the whole time), or if the person doing it has inadequate experience.

  13. Don't let anyone look down on you for wanting or needing an epidural. I got one and believe me, once you're feeling the contractions coming on stronger, you won't even be worrying about the pain of the epidural going in your back. Not only that, but they numb the area with a local anesthetic before putting the catheter in. As with any anesthesia, there are risks and yes, death is one of them, but it's pretty rare and unlikely.  

  14. Yes complications can happen.    My husbands cousin and also it happened to my best friend had the epidural but they had a contraction and hit the spinal cord and they lost a lot of spinal fluid causing awful headaches.   I think the most that happens is you will have a lazy baby for the first day or two    good luck.   I think the benefits out weigh the pain

  15. Epidural's are heaven!  I would not give birth without one.  It didn't hurt at all to get it put in and I had zero complications from it.
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