
Evading tackles?

by  |  earlier

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I dunno if I'm fast, but i run 100m in 11.98, so thats fastest in our grade (year 9) But I've got a problem, usually I'm quick enough to run around most of the defender and get away its just that when i'm nearing that touch line i have to move inside, and thats when my problems start, because theres always about at least 5 of them waiting for me, and if i want to get the touch i have to run through the lot. So yeah, normally i just push thier arms away but that doesn't always work. What else can i do to try break a tackle?




  1. it varies greatly on your position and the defenders position, your speed, their speed, their size your size.

    Just try to outrun then, now though if you see their closing in, pump your legs hard, especially if they ain't big, because they'll be going for your legs, maybe slow bit just a tad, emphasize on breaking through them, then sort of slip out of their arms when they become "soft" because you like broke their grip apart using your legs. Pushing their arms away is practically pointless, cuz their other arms coming in from the other side. If you feel good, and think you do it, give the incoming tackler a good shove in the chest or shoulder. Make sure your moving in the opposite direction, or else you'll end up on the ground with the defender. Now when there are tons of guys waiting for you and you have to cut back inside, maybe you can just make a pass now though, if you can't think of that game red rover red rover ( i dunno if you've played it)

    but anyways, you just have to bash through the weakest space you find, bend low and run the guys' arms with your shoulder. One funny thing is to slow down some, this makes can make some defenders (at lower levels) feel like, he ain't gonna run. (but only when you're real close to the line) then in a split second just swerve and explode in between their legs.

    the lower you get, the harder you are to tackle.

    Then now, when you're in the middle of the field, running with the ball, running faster than your man is probably the best way to evade a tackle. If he's good though, try a sidestep, when he least expects it change direct. You can complement this with a handoff in the direction you were going.

    for more tips go to sites like or youtube

    look up for good tries, and just look at what the guys do, you'll see great displays of how to do things. Then try it out on the field

    with more experience you'll soon be able to beat at lot of guys

    so good luck man

    (and how i wish i had pace like yours)

  2. I'm in much the same position as you..theres not much you can really do in that situation but the main thing is not go into touch. The thing that used to work was suddenly stopping and they all go miles past especially if you have good agility. Also, if its just one defender you could always try and sidestep him..just make sure you never go into touch...taking a tackle is far better then losing the ball.

  3. you just run hard bro and dont be scared  the faster your moving the harder it will be to stop you

  4. you could use your low center of gravity get as low as you can while running about full speed

    stiff arm it is really usefull im a backmen i play aussie rules i use stiff arm most of the time it really helps

    also drop your sholder  in front of you its good to i use it sometimes

    also in am about the fifth slowest on our team

  5. Use the hand off and pump your legs  high, its always hard to tackle someone like that.And lastly be confident about yourself otherwise you have no chance.
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