
Evenings in london - what to do?

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i am bringing a friend to london for 3 days - and i want inexpensive as possible - really really cheap - but fun and a lil romantic too would help lol

daytime is easy - i want some things to do between 7-10 ish




  1. There is so much you can do for free here in London! Yes, even in the evenings. =D

    Stroll beside the Thames along the South Bank and drop into the Festival Hall for free 'lobby concerts' -- entertainment in the main entrance hall. (The same kind of thing happens at the Barbican concert hall in the City, too).

    Late nights at museums and galleries are regular happenings -- typically weekly. For instance, on Wednesdays, the National Gallery is open late (6-9pm) with music and talks as well as access to the galleries.

    You can get free tickets (book in advance) to BBC radio and TV shows. For example, the news-comedy show "Have I Got News For You" is being recorded at the moment, on Thursday evenings. I think tickets for that may all have gone, but go to to check out what else is happening and reserve tickets.

    There are festivals (with evening events), buskers (in Covent Garden Piazza every day and evening) ... restaurants that have live music to go with your food (Pizza Express's place in Wardour Street and Pizza on the Park both spring to mind.)

    Here's one great site, which could have been designed for what you need:


    Love from a Londoner born and bred.


  2. Go to Tower Bridge and just sit there (Its free!)... seriously its soo beautiful - theres a seating area where theres water coming out from the ground like a founting but you can walk on it - run around on it with your friend :) & when you guys are tired -catch up- there's usually an ice cream (max £2.50 for the two of you) and hot dog van so take a walk and eat what you fancy. Everything just looks so much more romantic in the night light :) But I guess it really depends on what sort of stuff you like. O yeah throw a coin in the river and make a wish too :)

    Or you can head to Covent Garden - free entertainment :) Buy a drink sit and watch its differnt too most the place in London and an excellent time pass too!

  3. I think Tate Modern is open late at weekends (until ten), that could be an option.

    Check to see if there's any free concerts on around London too, like in the parks (if the weather's okay).

    Also, I had a brilliant night once just sat outside Bar Italia in Soho with a friend, drinking cappuccinos and people-watching. We saw all sorts, including a few celebrities, and ended up hanging around for hours getting increasingly hyper on the caffeine and talking to interesting random strangers.

    EDIT: if you have time, go and buy todays (Saturdays) Independent before the shops close; there's an article in the travel bit about free stuff to do in London. It's aimed at families, but a lot of it sounds fairly universal.

  4. apart from museums and galleries nothing in london is free

    go to cinema 7-10

  5. When i was in london i went to see a couple of shows, dirty dancing and blood brothers, but they do tend to be quite expensive. i would suggest going into one of the theatres if passing about an hour before a performance is due to start because that way you might be able to buy a couple of tickets cheaper.

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