
Ever searched for something .................?

by  |  earlier

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you already hold !!




  1. ya, I've done it with a hairbrush before while sitting in front of the mirror, I was like "wear did my stupid hair brush go and I looked in the mirror and was like oh there it is stupid is that?! :) xo!


  3. Yes, i have a motor bike, one morning just before i went to work i looked for my helmet in the usual spot and couldn't find it, i looked everywhere, then i realized it was on my head, now how stupid is that.

  4. no, i have everything i've searched for & more!♥

  5. Nope

  6. all the time, its really embarrassing sometimes

  7. oh... that happens allot.

  8. Best question tonight. Yes, I spend my life searching for what will make me happy, when I already hold everything I need.

  9. yep. spent 10 minutes once looking for the pair of glasses i was wearing, lol

  10.   It happens once in a while.

  11. Last week I thought I'd lost my raincoat, forgot I was wearing it ........... duh !

    Good Luck.X :-)

  12. somethimes

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